Start from the beginning

"Oh yes Rashi, you can definitely work. People even work until the gestation. Infact working will keep you healthy. Our ancestors never quit work for this. So we shouldn't too" Supreeth heard a voice as he was about to go into the corridor where the door of the gynaecologist chamber was. He saw three people coming out.

One, which he was sure was the doctor who came out first. She had her apron and the stethoscope around her neck. A man followed her who was almost 5.7. His face seemed somewhat familiar. His ears straightened at their conversation. Not wanting to disturb their conversation, he stood in the same place and watched them. Behind him, a woman appeared wearing a blue top with a black legging. He took no time recognise that face. The time stopped as recognised her. It was the same face with whom he had planned his whole future with. It was the same face that haunted him every night. It was the same face who had asked him to cut all the ties as now she was getting married to another person. That was the same face he was in love with. Rashi! He had vowed to never see that face again after she denied knowing him infront of her family. She was a cheat. But here she was right in front of him. The same day when his heart had softened for his wife, he had to meet her. Wow!

"But the stress levels these days are too high. What if her work stress harm the baby?" the man questioned.

Oh this man! The man who was in Rashi's profile picture which Shreyas had shown him. Rashi had blocked Supreeth from all the accounts possible. But she had forgotten Shreyas. It was the day he broke down in the office that Shreyas had showed him the picture so that even Supreeth was motivated to move on. That was the same day Supreeth had agreed to marry Avya over the call with his mother. Such an impulsive decision it was!

"Oh. Nothing to worry. If you feel the stress is too much for her to handle, either contact me or her office. We can figure a way out. But no compromise on career due to the pregnancy" Dr. Shalini smiled.

"Exactly. Nothing I can't handle Rishi. He's not letting me do a single work since I told him the kits showed positive results. Not even lift the water glass" Rashi chuckled.

"Aww! That's cute Rishabh but make sure you don't make your wife lazy or too much dependent on you. Rashi, you are lucky to have such a nice husband. Just before you entered the general physician had called me about a case. The wife hasn't eaten since don't know when, her BP is low, temperature is high, she's lying unconscious for like hours and the husband doesn't know anything. She is probably on her menstruation and he doesn't know that either. You must thank your stars that you have such a nice husband" Dr. Shalini smiled patting Rashi's shoulder.

"Oh. I pity that girl. I don't believe such insensitive men exist" Rashi commented before bading a bye to the doctor.

Rashi just pitied his wife? Whom he ignored all this while because he was in love with Rashi! He hadn't even spoken to his four month old wife and she had moved on! Moved on with Rishi Rishabh or who so ever it was? The guy due to whom probably they had fought a couple of times before she had cut all ties from him. Here, he was immersed in immense guilt of not fighting for their love or probably not loving her enough when he lost his dad and was depressed for a while. He blamed himself for everything and treated his own wife like a maid who cooked, cleaned, served and organised his home and here all he heard was his ex pitying his wife. Wasn't she the root cause for all this? Wasn't she supposed to give a closure to him? Was she ever in love with him? And when he saw her after seven or eight months, she was pregnant. And there was boy next to her which place he fantasised every night. Did he deserve this? Was he overthinking all this while? Did he wait for to come back running to him?

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