𝒙𝒗𝒊. why can't it be me?

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"does your drink taste good?" sang yue asked to caiyu. "that has a stronger kick" yang warned as caiyu passed her drink to sang yue. "if i drink that i get drunk quickly" xia said. "you're weak. i am the sang yan's sister" sang yue whispered as she took a sip of caiyu's drink. she did liked it's taste so she ended up ordering one for herself. afterall she is the sang yan's sister. no drink is too strong for her.

stupidity ran in the sang siblings because oh god jiang yang and huang xia were right. the drink made her drunk pretty quickly. she got up and went to slightly quiter side of the bar and called jiaxu. "hello" she said leaning on the wall. "why didn't you replied to my message?" she heard him ask. sang yue kept quite for moment. the alcohol really getting into her system. she wanted to go home, take a long shower and just sleep. "hello?" he asked again. "gēge" sang yue started examining her nails, she had applied cherry red nail colour on her nails after tìan jie insisted everyone get their nails as exams ended.

"gēgē can you pick me up?" she asked. "ofcourse i can princess. where are you?" he asked, purposely letting the nickname to get a reaction out of her. it was see if she was drunk or not and if she was how exactly drunk. sang yue was bit too drunk to even notice it. "i am at the bar with my friends" sang yue muttered. "which bar?" duan jiaxu asked, worring for the girl's saftey. "qinghong something something bar. i don't have my glasses with me" sang yue. "i am just turning on my location" she added. "okay. stay there i'll get you" jiaxu smiled, standing up to collect his things and leave.

sang yue turned on her location and went back to her friends. she leaned her head on caiyu's shoulder. a moment later she announced, "i am going home." "ehy why are you going home so quickly?" xia asked. "my gēgē is coming to pick me up" sang yue replied, standing up. she reassured her friends that she'd be fine, who were reluctant to let ger go since she was drunk. "i will be fine" she reassured them as she left. "i'll go after her and wait till her gēgē comes" caiyu said as she stoof up and followed sang yue. "you're alright?" caiyu asked as she linked her arms with sang yue to keep the latter from stumbling

"i am alright" sang yue leaned onto caiyu. "wait wait my head hurts" sang yue halted making caiyu halt too as she held her head. "let's go in. i'll get you water" caiyu pleaded, not wanting to leave sang yue out alone. "i'll be fine" sang yue reassured again. "wait wait stop moving" sang yue said as crouched down. "these fucking mary janes" she muttered but didn't took them off. caiyu too crouched down with sang yue. "do you feel like throwing up?" she asked as sang yue nodded. "then throw up" caiyu said but sang yue shook her head this time.

"god why did you wore a sleeveless top you must be cold" caiyu gushed taking off her own jacket to give it to sang yue but she refused. "i am not cold" sang yue whined. surely she was wearing a sleeveless brown halter neck top with grey high waisted boot cut but she wasn't cold. she was even wearing the mary janes jiaxu gifted her, which here a bit high making her feet hurt.

jiang yang had came out by now. he was worried as to why the girls were taking so long so he came out to check on them. he too crouched down next to sang yue. "sang yue are you alright?" he asked. "i am really am fine. it's okay stop touching me" she whined standing up taking a step behind from the two. jiang yang was about to take a step towards sang yue when duan jiaxu stopped him. "hey i am here" sang yue sighed upon hearing duan jiaxu's familiar voice. "jiaxu gē" she walked to him and held his arm, leaning slightly onto him.

"uhh gēgē this is sang yue's dorm mate" jiang yang introduced caiyu. and oh boy bai caiyu prided herself over being right almost always but tonight she was ready to eat her words. she remembers telling sang yue that her gēgē, duan jiaxu, would be no match for jiang yang. but oh how wrong she was when she saw how duan jiaxu cared for sang yue and catered her each and every need. "nice to meet you" caiyu beamed. "i am here now. i can take care of her" jiaxu announced. "sure then we'll go inside" caiyu beamed dragging jiang yang with her.

𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐.  duan jiaxu Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora