𝒙𝒊𝒊. a post graduate student

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❝ ──chapter twelve,
a post graduate student. ❞

                𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 typing was heard from the balcony as sang yue typed out a message for jiaxu

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                𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 typing was heard from the balcony as sang yue typed out a message for jiaxu. jiaxu gē when you might be free? if it is no trouble i would like to treat you to dinner as thank you for driving me back home. if you're too busy at the moment it's alright you can decide the time. it you're not sure when you're free, then how about next weekend? i would like this chance to express my gratitude towards you. sang yue analyzed the text, rectifying all the spelling errors she made form typing too fast before she sent the text. she almost immediately got a reply saying next weekend. she allowed him to decide the time too.

she was going back in her room when she got a call from jiaxu. sang yue close the door so that the girls won't be disturbed during their studying as she accepted the call. "hello jiaxu gē" she said hastily. "i am free next weekend however i am sure about the specific time" he said on the other line. sang yue's heart started to beat rapidly. it's been two years since since she talked to him on call. it made her nervous. afterall the guy on the other line was her first crush. "it's alright we can accommodate according to your schedule" she replied threading a hand through her hairs. "okay by the way i'll take you a phone repair shop as well" he joked. confused sang yue asked, "my phone repair? why would i repair it?"

"isn't it broken?" he asked.

"it isn't" sang yue replied from the other line.

"i thought i must be broken. your texts are so formal" sang yue smiled at his. she had not idea why she was smiling but here she was smiling brightly by his words. "where did that come from? you were never so formal with me"

"your words are so polite" he added.

"didn't you said last night as young lady should speak politely? so i am being polite" she chuckled. leaning her hands on the glass railing. "does this mean i have a place in your heart?" he asked jokingly. it made sang yue laugh. she threw her head back and laughed.

"in your dreams jiaxu gē. the thing is my father told me to be respectful towards elder. be it four year or more and you're basically 30 so i should respect you. even if your voice sound young, you can't fool anyone. you're not young anymore" she rambled.

"30? kiddo i am not even 25?" he defended himself.

"yea like somewhat similar" she smiled. "i am hanging up you're insufferable" he joked. "wait" she said. "i have one more thing to tell you" she added. "go ahead" said jiaxu.

"i didn't mean to ignore you by not replying to you or calling back. i just thought. . . . . it would've been a burden for you after sang zhi flew to yihe and you had to take care of her. i came to yihe a week later so i did not wanted to trouble you" she muttered. "sang yue i clearly remember you saying that i was not a burden to you so how could you be a burden to me" he replied. sang yue sighed at the loss of words. jiaxu continued, "i know your gēgē told me." "you knew?" she asked gasping slightly. "then why would you even ask. also see you're the insufferable here. okay that's all. i am done. bye bye."

𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐.  duan jiaxu Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora