Chapter: Zero

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In each chapter i will tell you how much each action can raise your score if you are a 5/10

And ill tell you how much your score could drop by neglecting it if you were a 9/10

Why looks maxing matters and the benefits you can expect.

It matters for these 10 reasons:

1. More potential partners so you can choose the right one for you!

2. You'll be respected by more people including partners who will be less likely to cheat on you or leave you.

3. You'll be showered in compliments frequently supporting your happiness & self esteem.

4. You'll feel more confident to be yourself making socialising way more fun.

5. You'll be invited to more events & parties.

6. More people will want to be your friend.

7. You'll be offered more opportunities including work ones.

8. You wont be held as accountable for any mistakes you make & you'll be forgiven for shitty actions way more.

9. Your personality can suck significantly more. When you do have a great personality you'll be admired/envied like a king.

10. You'll learn to love yourself as you'll have invested time, money and love in to yourself.

Start being your BEST self.
Its a competative world and the cards arent delt fairly so make the most of the cards you have by looks & mind maxing (my second upcoming book).

My guide will turn you from a 4-6 in to a 7.75-9 Model guranteed.

In as little as 3 months !! With HUGE RESULTS IN THE FIRST MONTH.

Looks Maxing - By DeusWhere stories live. Discover now