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"because love is too fragile"


It was approximately 4 am that night, and Chenle was sat on his desk, spinning his pen with a piece of paper in front of him. His lamp was the only light source in the entire room, as all his other roommates were asleep. Someone placed a hand on his shoulder as the sound of a chair scraping against the floor caught his attention. Jeno had sat beside him, looking into his face as if analysing his expression.

"Writing your will?" Jeno asked. Somehow, this question, despite how serious it was, was so commonly asked in the station everyone became immune to it.

"Yeah" Chenle placed his pen down "I have a lot to say but somehow, I can't express it"

"For Arin?" Jeno asked

Chenle chuckled "Is it that obvious?"

"Please. Everyone knows. We just find it funny that you two are trying to hide it." Jeno laughed, his gaze falling upon the blanket lined paper.

"I don't think I've ever loved someone so much to the point I can't even bare to write the will for her. I don't know. I just feel like the moment I write this, I'm admitting that I'm doomed to lose her" Chenle placed the pen down

"Loving someone shouldn't be a burden, but it is to us because love is too fragile in our profession. I know you're trying to protect this love you have for her. But in the end of the day, the only way to express your love if you're gone one day is through these inked words"

Chenle processed those words, nodding. He picked up his pen silently, and wrote the first three words.

Dear Hwa Arin...


The intense training has begun. There has been no breaks and no loitering around at all. Arin, for the first time in her life, felt so fit that she thought she could become an olympian right there and then. The rest on the other hand, were used to this, occasionally brightening the mood by laughing or singing my when they're running drills.

Even though deep down, they knew that with every big mission, comes the risk for sacrifice.

The mural in the achievement room had also been finished, Jungwoo bidding his goodbye to Arin this morning. Everything seemed to be settled for complete isolation in preparation for the mission.

As all the firefighters were having their lunch, Chenle was the last to get his meal. However, when he did, he immediately plopped himself down opposite Arin. No one really took notice, until Chenle leant his chin against his palm, and his elbow against the table to stare at her with a light smile on his lip.

Arin glanced up from her food, almost choking upon making direct eye contact with Chenle.

"Be careful" Chenle tried to pat her back whilst she was very literally suffocating. All the firefighters stopped in position, eyeballing the two who seemed to have a romantic tension between them.

"What is going on here?" Haechan cheered, excitedly hitting the table with his hands. Chenle silently picked up the drumstick from his plate, and placed it in hers. Arin's eyes widened, as if signalling the message:

What the fuck are you doing

Chenle shrugged.

"What is this? Chenle giving away his drumstick? Last time I tried to steal it he almost killed me" Mark shivered, but earned laughs from everyone.

"Come on, just tell us. It's so obvious already" Jaemin added fuel to the flame, triggering a chant of 'Tell us'

"She's my girlfriend" Chenle blurted, and immediately, Arin banged her head against the table as if she wanted to dig a hole and jump into it. Everyone else exploded in cheers, many standing up and applauding the couple as it was the first time Chenle had ever liked someone, let along get a girlfriend.

"Oh my god" Arin buried her face in her hand, hiding the pink flush on her cheeks.

"Move" Chenle said to Renjun, who was sat beside Arin currently. Renjun listened without even a seconds of hesitance, moving away so that Chenle could sit in the seat beside Arin.

"It's okay. Look, they're all happy" Chenle squeezed her shoulder to comfort her

"Yeah!" Haechan screamed "We would not trust Chenle with anyone else anyways. It was going to be you and only you"

Somehow, Arin was instantly comforted by Haechan's words. Lifting her head, she faced all of them, a smile of gratitude painted on her face. Momentarily, Arin made eye contact with Jisung, who simply smiled in acknowledgment. She was beyond glad Jisung seemed fine with everything.

"Okay everyone get out. Start the climbing and ladder drills" Chenle stood up and ordered.

"We'll leave you two lovebirds alone" Jeno chuckled, and ushered the ecstatic firefighters out the door. The moment they all left, Chenle glanced at Arin, an irreplaceable grin plastered across his face.

"I told you. They all recognise your skill and acknowledge you. If anything, I would be the one unworthy of you" Chenle said, placing a hand on her head.

"Thank you" Arin sighed a breath of relief "For everything"

Just as she was about to leave, she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. She picked it up out of curiosity, and the first words she could make out was.

Dear mum and dad,
It's Jaemin.

She couldn't read the rest of it before it was snatched out of her hand by Chenle.

"What is it?" She questioned as she turned and faced the captain

"Don't worry" Chenle folded the paper and slid it in his pocket "Jaemin must have accidentally dropped it. I'll give it back to him in a bit"

"Is everything okay?" Arin asked, careful not to touch a sensitive topic.

"Yeah" Chenle nodded, but there was an indescribable solemness to his expression.

"I better get going to training" Chenle mentioned. He took a step towards her, cupped her face in his hands and pecked her on the lips. Although the kiss was only short, Chenle lingered his gaze on her, as if taking in the moment.

He knew, that what was to come, meant he may never be able to hold her, and look at her this way. So he had to treasure every moment.

Arin watched as he left, thoughts plaguing her mind. But it seemed to all make sense slowly, as she truly took in the reality of this whole thing.

"It must be Jaemin's last letter to his parents..." Arin stared at each and every firefighter in melancholy "They've all been writing their letters to their loved ones just in case...the worst happens"

And for the first time in a while, Arin pictured the station being empty. Without the laughs and without the childish men. Without people fighting over who got the last chicken every dinner. Without them.

It would be so quiet.

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