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"for once in her life, she had to be the one to save him, a hero."


Within 5 minutes, the team arrived at Seoul Hospital. By the time they got there, everyone had already evacuated out of the building, and heavy smoke was coming out the window as if a chimney was shoved in every opening of the building. Chenle got off the truck, racing around to see if any of the doctors that had evacuated was Arin.

"Arin, Arin" He frantically yelled, grabbing the shoulder of anyone in front of him to the match name with face. Unfortunately, not one of them was her.

"Where's Arin?!" He couldn't control his emotions as he yelled. Many doctors turned to look at him, but none of replied.

"Where's the storage room!?" Chenle asked, his blood rushing in fear. The last nurse Arin talked to replied to him whilst frantically running out the building.

"Level 2, Room 3"

She didn't even finish her sentence before Chenle bolted inside, gripping his equipment in his hand. He quickly made it to the storage room, barging in at full force and smashing the door down. Thankfully, he got in before the fire inside could get any worse.

In front of him was like he epitome of disaster. The shelves were all burned down to the floor, the walls were now painted black. There was obvious signs of struggle too as the floor had marks where it seemed like someone was kicking against it as hard as possible.

"Arin?!" Chenle called out upon not being able to locate her. He sprayed the walls with water as he navigated the area, carefully searching each corner to find the girl.

"Arin!" Chenle yelled again, turning off his water gun to hear her better. Then he heard it. A small voice reaching out to her. Chenle lifted a shelf up, and underneath, was the girl with ashes all over her face, and blood lining her body and lips.

"Oh my god" Chenle crashed to his knees, kneeling beside her as he lifted her into his hands. He couldn't quite make out what she was saying, but she kept hitting his chest and grasping his shirt

"What is it?" Chenle asked gently, heart aching that he let this happen to her. She mumbled something he couldn't catch. Chenle leant closer to hear.

"Be careful..."

As soon as those words processed, something hard smashed against his head. Chenle's mind went blurry for a second and the next thing he knew, he was crashing to the floor.

"I've been waiting for you" Hajoon's voice echoed in the room, his mischievous laugh sending shivers down their spines. Hajoon knelt down beside the boy who took a hard hit to the head "Finally, I can get rid of you too"

"Stop doing this, Hajoon" Chenle groaned, trying to lift himself back up "You're destroying yourself"

"No no no" Hajoon tutted "You destroyed yourself because you meddled with my stuff. If you weren't such an annoying prick..."

As Chenle was beyond dizzy on the floor, Hajoon slipped Chenle's gun out.

"Fun little toy" Hajoon pressed down on the trigger, as a stream of water shot against the wall. Chenle cursed, grasping Hajoon's foot to try and steal the gun back, but his head was pounding too much.

"You won't need it again" Hajoon put it on the ground, and stomped against it. Chenle watched as his only form of weapon against the flames crushed into pieces.

Enraged. Chenle used all his might to push himself up. He grabbed Hajoon's collar, fury overwhelming him as he shoved him against the wall that was slowly burning down. Chenle didn't train all his life for nothing. Hajoon began coughing violently, but he was smirking still. Hajoon was convinced he's won.

Chenle scoffed "You really think you can kill me in my territory? You're too naive and young, Hajoon. Go back to school"

Hajoon could barely blink before he felt something being stabbed at his body and him being electrocuted. Chenle let go of his collar, clutching the taser and the boy crashed to the ground. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body limp on the ground.

"I wish I could kill you" Chenle scoffed, kicking him against the stomach. Once Hajoon was dealt with, Chenle whipped his head around to search for Arin, his heart restless at the idea that she could be in a critical condition.

"Arin" He knelt down beside her. Arin's face was covered in ash, her body trembling from coughing up too much smoke. But she was conscious and still able to barely lift herself up. Arin's vision had only just focussed when she noticed a piece of the roof beginning to crack.

"Zhong Chenle!" Arin screamed. But it was too late. The hard bricks crashed down on his legs, covering it whole as the entire building began shaking. Chenle cried out in pain, his palms hitting the ground as his entire lower body burned so ferociously that it just felt numb.

"Chenle. Oh my god. We need to-" Arin couldn't finish before another part of the roof came crashing down, this time hitting Chenle square in the chest. Chenle hit the ground, his vision blurring instantly as he felt his consciousness slip in and out. He told himself over and over again that he couldn't let himself get hurt right now, that he had to protect Arin.

But it all just hurt too much.

Arin watched helplessly as Chenle's entire body became limp, his soul slipping from him. Everything hurt in Arin's body. Her arms were scorched from the fire, her skin scratched from the rough surroundings, her body hurt from the falling debris. But none of this matter because for once in her life, she had to be the one to save him, a hero.

Arin clambered towards him, using her entire body to push the bricks off his body. She was fighting to save him, and she didn't care a single bit about herself. She just wanted him to be safe.

Arin knew the steps to saving him, she knew each and every one of them back to front. But the moment she rose her hands to start the emergency rescue procedure she's learnt so many times, she hesitated.

You're not a doctor anymore Arin. You're not qualified to do this

She thought. But that thought left as quick as it came, because she knew, this is all she knew how to do.

Save people.

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