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"our team. our big family"


"Is she still running?" Jaemin asked, sitting on the grass beside Haechan after finishing two sets of the obstacle and the 5km run already.

"Yeah I suppose" Haechan chuckled "Its been 45 minutes already"

"Gather, everyone" Chenle called, his eyebrows as if it was permanently stitched together. Folding his arms over, he checked his watch "Go wash up and have breakfast. There'll be a class in one and a half hours"

As everyone left the scene, Chenle sighed again, checking the time. He looked off into the distance where Arin last ran off to, fiddling with his watch.

"Oh for gods sake" Chenle cursed, running down the track. After a good 10 minutes of searching, he found her stumbling on an up hill road, a thick stick in hand and sweat beading her face. It was as if she was an elderly who's lost their abilities to walk.

Chenle sighed, with a hint of relief, as he approached her "Arin"

She raised her head, glancing at his features against the sunlight. It was like he just came from heaven, the sun painting a halo around his head. That vision was quickly erased when Chenle grabbed the stick off her and pulled his face down as if she stunk.

"Why is it taking you an hour to do 5km" Chenle rose an eyebrow, earning a sneer from her.

"45 minutes, actually. And sorry that I'm not some for firefighter. I did nothing but study in university. Never was fit and never going to get fit" She pushed his body away, which in reality, didn't do much.

"You're a paramedic. You need to be fit"

"I was a doctor. The most amount of exercise I had to do at hospital was run down a 50m long corridor!"

"Hurry up, then" Chenle placed his hand on her arm to aid her, only for her to shrug it off mercilessly.

"Don't touch me"

"Get on" Chenle spat, facing his back to her and kneeling down.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes "I'm fine. Thank you"

"Oh shut it" With one yank, Chenle pulled her over his body without a single ounce of struggle. Her arms wrapped around his neck, head dipping down beside his neck as her entire body now acted like a backpack to him.

"I can walk" She murmured

"I know" Chenle responded "But by the time you get there, you're going to miss your class"

"I have a class?"

"You're responsible for teaching medical practices to everyone here. That's always been our weakness: our lack of knowledge on first aid"

"Wow thanks Chenle, for letting me know in advance" She tilted her head sarcastically, clutching onto him tighter. The conversation died after that. The two sitting in silence as Chenle heaved her towards the station. One step after another, Arin annoyedly on Chenles back and him, sighing in frustration every couple steps.

Soon, they made their way towards the station, where Haechan began slapping Jeno's arm.

"Look! Guys!" Haechan pointed at Arin and Chenle "Chenles carrying the doctor on his back!"

A chorus of Oos rung as they made it back to the station. Arin grimaced in disgust, sliding off Chenle's back immediately when she got the chance.

"Ew" Arin shivered, staring at the faces of curiosity as they looked between the two.

"Keep looking and I'll shorten your rest time" Chenle yelled, causing everyone to shut up immediately and scurry back inside. A boy gently knocked Arin on the shoulder as they advanced back inside.

"I'm Haechan by the way" Haechan grinned, earning a polite nod from Arin.

"Arin" She responded

"Let me introduce you to our team. Our big family. We've got a lot of members but we're split into units. We're unit 3. Chenle, as you know, is the captain and just a little up his own ass sometimes. But he deserves to, since he's always the first to run into danger"

No wonder he's got an attitude like that. Arin scoffed. It was hard to believe someone who seemed so cold on the outside could be so passionate about saving people.

"That one right there is Mark. He's the inspector. He's the mastermind behind our missions. Leads us to success, you could say" Haechan pointed a boy with black framed glasses, running inside with small strides.

As they entered the corridor, Haechan continued to explain "Jeno. Deputy Captain and also our emotional support councillor. Chenle looks after all the technical stuff in missions. Jeno deals with the mental damage after" Haechan patted Jeno on the shoulder who she passed by. Arin continued to greet them as they pass.

"Jaemin and Jisung" Haechan pointed to two boys who were playing Jenga in the recreation room right now "Jaemin's the architect. Whenever there's massive collapses in buildings, he always knows exactly which brick to take away to ensure upmost safety. We would all be buried by now if it weren't for him. Insanely talented"

Her eyes gazed from the tired looking boy she assumed was Jaemin, to the other one who seemed younger than the rest.

"Other one is Jisung. You could call him a reserve but in reality, he's with us every mission. He started early this year so we get him to do the basic things like crowd control and perimeter handling"

The two walked down the corridor to the garage, where four red trucks were parked in a row.

"Last one in our unit is Renjun. He's the professional driver" Haechan chuckled "I'm just kidding. He does operate the trucks and whatnot but he gets us to places super fast. Works with all the mechanical things on these trucks and let me tell you, there's a lot packed inside one truck"

"What about you?" Arin asked

"Me? Oh I operate the planes if we require it. If not, I'm just a regular firefighter. I'm the only one with a pilot license might I add" Haechan clicked his tongue smugly. Just as they were about to head inside, a blaring siren smashed the atmosphere

"Emergency Call. Emergency Call. Units 1, 3, please head to the Myeongdong Inn"

She didn't even have time to process before Haechan began dragging her towards the trucks.

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