After some time on the other part of jungle...Jackson hooked the 19th flag he collected all these way in his carabiner....he looked back and saw dami leaning on a big trunk of tree , trying to breath normally after walking for so long....

" dami..we are already late...please walk atleast...don't stop...come..." Jackson said and dami started to walk again...they both reached below a big tree and saw the yellow flag hanging on the branch....Jackson put his bag down to climb on the tree...

" Jackson....please let me collect collected all those 19 flags...atleast 1 for me please..." dami said trying to be cute infront of him...Jackson
nodded and moved aside to give her space...

With the help of Jackson,  dami climbed on the tree and got the flag successfully...she looked down at Jackson who was waiting for her to come down...she grinned....she tried to stand on the branch....

" dami  what are you will fall down...don't..." before Jackson could say more, dami jumped from height...

" leg..." the collected fag are abandoned on the ground and dami sitting next to it holding her leg and screaming in pain....

" what the hell dami...told you to not jump...let me check " Jackson said checking her ankle which is getting red and swollen by passing second....

" am sorry....I's paining....please take me to the doctor....I can't walk....." dami started to cry.....Jackson looked around...he is in the middle of the jungle...what can he do now....first he have to reach at camp location....he thought and checked the map once again before helping dami to stand on her feet....

"'s paining....I can't walk...I can't..."

" now what can I do...we have to reach there...."

" please carry me...."...

Jungkook ran towards the professors who were sitting in the chair in shades of tree...he put all the 20 purple flags infront of them smiling....professors counted them ...

" congratulations jungkook and guys are first to reach...."

" yeahhhhh...we won ...we won...Tae....." jungkook hugged Taehyung who was standing behind him...Tae tried to hold the jumping bunny in his hold but soon the warm feelings went away when jungkook started to jump around in excitement....

Soon others teams also joined...jimin and mark came fourth and submitted their flags....

" jiminahhhh...we won..." jungkook hugged jimin when he saw the other coming towards him....

" proved the you own the crown ..."

" of course....if tae is with one can defeat us..we are best together " jungkook said hanging on Taehyung's arm...Taehyung looked at him with a fond smile.....

" attention please...time is everyone is here? " professors asked...

" sir dami and Jackson are still not here " someone from crowd yelled and this words made jungkook more tensed because he was already waiting for them from a long time...

The attention of crowd went towards the way from where Jackson walking towards them while carrying dami in his arms in bridal style...jungkook eyes and mouth opening and closing like a fish looking at the scene...

" sir help " Jackson said while helping dami to sit on the chair ...professors ran towards them..Jackson explained them what happened...he turned to look at jungkook who was standing away from him and the sadness was clearly seen on his eyes.....

" students...we have to go back..her injury look serious..and we don't have any medical help pack your bags and get in to bus....Jackson please help her  " professors said after checking her injury...

Other students started to roam around to collect their things...Taehyung went to his tent and collected his and jungkook's bag...

Jungkook was glued to his place looking at Jackson who was carrying dami towards the bus....dami looked over his shoulder and her eyes met the glossy eyes looking at them...she battles her eyes smiling to jungkook before resting her head on his shoulder......


Hello my dears friends.....

We are back......thank you so much guys for waiting for update patiently...

I will try to update frequently from now on...

So about question n answer...

First question was asked by Fairy9556

1) how me and chinnu met ?

Crystal 🔮- so it was like almost a year ago...I started writing a story which my cousin sister told I wrote it here...Chinnu was one of the reader of that story...she felt something she messaged me saying my story is looks same as a malayalam taekook ff in YouTube...I was shocked because this story was not mine but my sister told me..and in the description of story I mentioned that...then I asked her about that ff video..when I saw that in YouTube it was I deleted my book and requested her to say sorry to that creator of video on my behalf... I talked to my sis too...she said she heard that story from somewhere else...I felt really sad to write that story because it was hardwork of someone else.. thats why I deleted that book.....after that me and chinnu started talking casually .. and like this we became friends and I found that she is really like me....that it.....

2) who came with wildflowers story plot ?

Chinnu 💜 - So yep it's me who came up with the story me means chinnu hehe. I just wanted a not-so-perfect hero to show how their love works. That's it🤗

3) our age.?

Crystal 23 years old and chinnu is 18...

So that's for now....more questions will be answered can ask more if you want....

Stay happy and healthy 💗😊

Bye bye 👋👋👋👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

WILD FLOWER  ( TAEKOOK 🐯🐰)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora