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Derek Fate stood on top of a hill, watching the sun slowly drop below the horizon. Lights all around the mercenary camp jumped to life as they lit up the camp.

Derek had felt the Fate magic shift, and it shifted rarely, but this shift was backwards. He was getting stronger. Not that it mattered. He and his twin didn't use Fate magic often anyways.

Derek and Donovan were the few public remnants of famous Fate's. They used their magic to garner fortunes and power. Using those fortunes Derek hired sixty mercenaries.

They now drank themselves stupid, and Derek's irritation built. He was a short but strong man, with traditional pale skin and black hair of the Fate family. His anger was also legendary, and his Great Axe, even more.

The mercenaries were strong, but stupid. Letting their guard down. It was then that Kyl struck. It was the ringing of chains moving that alluded to something else. The chains rung quietly, as they grinded against themselves.

Kyl unsheathed the sword on his back, immediately the sword began to radiate blue light, as it shimmered in his hand. The sword was long, almost four feet. The wrinkle of chains came from the chain attached to the pommel of the sword and his wrist.

The mercenaries barely noticed him before the first member of their vagabond found his head missing from his shoulders. Kyl moved his arms like a beautiful dance and the sword slid and sliced through flesh and bones.

The mercenary camp went from quiet laughter and drunken hollering to screams as those sober enough to walk went for their weapons while everyone else screamed and tried to tackle Kyl.

Derek smiled as he began to walk down the hill he was standing on. He drew his great axe, swinging it once. He took his thumb and rubbed it on the top of the axe head. He watched at the axe thrummed with energy, before in a brilliant burst it erupted in flames crackling around the head of the axe.

Kyl made his way through the camp, swinging his sword, slicing it through someone's flesh, and tugging it through bones and tendons. Kyl finally let the sword get buried in someone's chest, before grabbing the hilt and ripping it out of his chest. Kyl walked towards Derek. The man held his axe with his hands, and ten mercenaries stood there with him.

Derek simply looked at Kyl, and said, "We're family. Surrender, lay down your blade, and we can drink together and have festivities." The two men were separated by a few feet. Kyl dropped the sword, and Derek relaxed. Kyl swung the sword and it arced through the air, a whistle followed the blade as it sliced through the air itself.

Derek had moved the axe head up, and barely noticed the sword slice through the axe head with no pause as it cut clean through Derek's head, and sliced him in half.

Kyl finished the arc, and the sword lodged itself into the ground as Kyl snapped his wrist, bringing the sword back towards him. Kyl spun it and continued his dance, tearing through the last of the Mercenaries.

Derek struggled to breathe, as his panic grew he bled more, and more. Kyl walked back to him, watching the blue light in Derek's eyes fade. Kyl kneeled as he said, "That's not an option."

Derek's mouth opened and closed, the two parts of his body trying to heal, but it couldn't.

"Derek, you were a disappointment to the Fate family. You need to rely more on your heritage than your own weapon." Derek's eyes continued to dim, as he tried crawling to himself, trying to cause himself to heal, whatever it was, he needed to heal!

Kyl smiled, "You won't heal. Just as a bruise takes it's time to heal if I punched you, it is going to take a while to heal after being cut by Arthur's scales."

Derek looked at Kyl, as he understood what he meant. Derek wasn't going to heal, Derek was a dead man. Derek moved frantically again, just trying to get away from Kyl.

Kyl grabbed him by his legs and pulled them down as he slammed Derek's face together, before saying, "You are pathetic. Where is your Fate spirit? Fight until death, remember?" Kyl grabbed the left side of Derek's face before ripping it off his face, before throwing the jaw bone.

Kyl grabbed the other side, before removing it with a sickening snap. Kyl stood up, before he said, "You're a coward. You're no longer a part of the Fate family. Give up your life, it is no longer yours."

Kyl stomped on his head, once, twice, and over and over again. Anger began to consume him as he stomped more and more, digging his heel into the skull of Derek's sliced head. Kyl took in a small breath, as energy overflowed through his body, rippling through every ounce of his being.

Half way across the world

Kain paused, and looked up. The sun was just beginning to rise. Kain looked across the bed, his arms around Ryan as Kain looked at him. Kain held Ryan close as they laid in bed.

Kain could feel his entire body tingle as his body and grown in energy. Kain took in a small breath, another member of his family had died. Another cursed member. Kain kissed Ryan on the forehead before sighing softly.

Kain felt Ryan stir, and pulled his elf husband closer and closer. He inhaled a small breath of air, smelling everything about Ryan.

Kain knew that Kyl was going to come for him soon. Kain couldn't have Ryan getting in between that fight. Ryan would wind up dead. As much as he loved Ryan, violence wasn't in Ryan's nature. Kain slowly got out of bed, careful to not disturb the elf in his bed.

Kain stepped outside, feeling the sun touch his back and his legs as he stood in the yard. The cabin was fully repaired and functional. At the bottom of the hill four graves held the attention of Kain. Kain remembered the feeling as energy coursed and consumed him after Arthur and Igneus died.

Kain could hear Ryan move in the cabin as Ryan said out the door, "My Love?"

Kain turned to look Ryan, he was almost completely bare, and Kain smiled, "Sorry my sweetheart." Kain approached Ryan and hugged him lightly. Kain kissed Ryan, and afterwards said, "Let's go get some food from the market today."

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