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A Very Happy and Merry Christmas to everyone. 😊❤

Navya's POV:

                           My front door flung open, revealing my mom standing the other side, holding the door wide.

As soon as she saw me, her expression changed from curious to surprise to concern.

"Naz? What are you doing here? Still two more days left for your return. What happen?" Her concern ranged in my ears.

Listening to her voice I couldn't control myself anymore. I break down crying and slide down on the floor.

She immediately hugged me and somehow drag me inside and made me sat on the couch.

"Navya, what's the matter? Why are you crying, baby? Tell me. You've gone for excursion right? Then what is even there to cry about?" She asked total confused.

"Mo..... Mom, I am sorry mom..... I..... I"

"You went to meet Parth, isn't it?" She asked me gently, making me picked up head up from her chest and looked upto her.

"H..... How did you know about P..... Parth mom?" I asked bewildered.

"I'm your mother Navya. What do you think I'm totally unaware about what you're upto? I know everything. I can understand you better than you yourself. You can lie to anyone Navya but your mother. I know everything about Parth and I know how a girl react when she is in love." She said making my eyes casted down and me feeling guilty for ever trying to lie to her.

"No Navya don't be guilty baby. We are humans and we all do mistake and if we didn't do any then how else will we learn? I didn't told you anything because if I stopped you, you'll only misunderstood me nothing else but now that you yourself is suffering you'll learn not to do it again. Without that i didn't want to be a barrier in your love life. I raised you as an independent woman and I will treat you like one also." She said making me felt at some kind of ease again.

Mothers really do have the power to make their child felt safe and at peace in their laps always.

"But how do you get to know about Parth mom?" I asked really wanted to know because I definitely didn't tell her anything about the diary or the said boy. Never.

"You mistakenly forgotten the diary one day in your room and when I went to clean it I found it in your drawer. That's when I read it and got to know everything. But I didn't tell you as I feel you would get embarrass. I was waiting for you to come to me. And when you came to seek for my permission for your Rajasthan visit it's not really hard to connect the dots." She told me smiling.

"But mom, he didn't love me mom. He didn't at all." I said started to sobbing again and hide my face in her chest, releasing all my heart out to her. She hugged me tightly and ran smooth circle on my back.

"Everybody have right Navya to choose their life partner and if he doesn't want you there's nothing you could do. You can only let him free and wish well for him but never force him to love you or be a problem for him. Understand? As far as I know he had gone through a lot of suffer Naz, so don't burden him or be his headache. If you really do love him let him go." She said quietly.

She grabbed my face and made me looked at her.

"You are my strong girl Navya, you can do it right?" She asked and I nodded my head slowly.

Now go and get fresh and then come down stairs. I'm preparing food for you. Don't forget you have your own life. You have to be successful. You can't waste your life like this. I know heartbreak is hard, and it's hurt even more when it's your first but I know you're my lioness, you will held your head high." She said. Her words giving me a unknown comfort.

I slowly made my way upstairs towards my room. I'm walking like a living dead body, no energy left in me. I didn't even know how I managed to come home all by my own in this conditon. Parth's words really taking a toll on me.

I didn't expect anything from him but I also certainly didn't expect this treatment from him after every effort I had done just to make him happy. Even he knew it but still he choose to insult me. He didn't even think once about me before kicking me out of his life.

I went to the washroom and took a long shower, rubbing my skin, trying to wash any traces of Parth out of my body. No I don't need him, I don't want him. He can do anything he want with anybody he want. I don't fucking care anymore. The only one's I care about outside my family are Rohan, Krish and Khusi. Nobody else and nothing else.

There's no Parth in my life. I didn't know any Parth. I'll erase him from my memory. I know it's impossible but I will try my hardest.

I will pray for him so that he could be happy with Shruti. I didn't get my love so what I wish him to get it. I wish he didn't have to bear the pain again what I'm going through right now.

And the most important thing is that even after all this I couldn't bring myself to hate the boy, not even a bit.


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Thanks for reading :)

Stay happy, stay calm. Love you all ❤

Jai Shree Krishna 🙏🏻

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