Part 5: Creepy little elf dude

Start from the beginning

"I think I just shit talked myself out of a job." I rake my fingers through my hair and shake my head.

"No, I think he really wants to talk to you," she says in an upbeat voice. "Like know what you think. So, let's get this place set up." Her smile comforts me and, regardless of whether I'll be fired or not, Kim's Department Store deserves an awesome Holiday department.

"Okay, I need the key to the storeroom. Shit, it's in Marks office. I'll get it." I announce and walk to the small office in back of the department next to the storeroom. Today there's a pep in my step.

Just as I place my hand on the knob, I hear some strange noises I can't make out, so I place my ear to the door.

"The fuck!" Before I rush in, I think how I can use this to my advantage. I take out my cell phone and turn on the video recorder and slowly enter the office.

Dumbass forgot to lock the door, fortunately for me.

I walk in behind Mark who is getting his dick sucked by that creepy little Elf from the Santa's Village. In full fuckin' elf costume. This image of Santa's Elf going down on Mark would be funny if it wasn't so damn disgusting.

They're so into what they're doing they don't notice me. I make sure I've got the video and then clear my throat, loudly. Mark jumps up, knocks the elf on the floor and then clumsily pulls up his pants.

"What the fuck, Perv!" Mark shouts.

"I was going to let you finish but I threw up in my mouth," I say as the little elf dude runs past me out the door.

"Oh, I guess your boyfriend's break is over." I sneer wickedly. Goodness, it feels good to hold a little power over this brat bastard.

Mark's stunned as his mouth drops open.

"I think you will be giving me and Lisa our pick of overtime," I say smugly, folding my arms over my chest.

"That's it! No more overtime for you, bitch!"

I raise my phone and press the play button. He steps forward as if he's going to try to grab my phone, so I securely place it in my vest's inside pocket. "Asshole, it's on the cloud and I sent it to my email."

"Now what were you saying....Bitch. You wanna think about that again?" I chuckle. "Things will be different around here from now on, you tiny dick. That's if you want to keep your job."

"Okay, J-Jungkook," he stutters.

"Oh, so now you know my name! If you fuck with me or Lisa again, this video goes to the employment director! Do you understand what I'm saying!?" Mark nods his head to indicate yes. There's a joy in seeing that worm sweat. Yep, today's a good day.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry for –"

"Whatever, bitch," I say, as I turn and leave the office.

I tell Lisa, who can't stop laughing.

"Eww! The creepy little Elf dude! I'm not touching a damn thing in that office." We both laugh.

"Mark's really bad for this store. He needs to go. I got an idea. Where's the phone number for technology?"

"It's listed here," Lisa says with a puzzling look and stands by as I make the call.

"Uh, this is Mark the manager of the Holiday department." Lisa covers her mouth with both hands to keep her from laughing.

"I'm having problems with my computer and need a full diagnostic run. A good time is at noon when I'm at lunch. My biggest issue is the internet search engine. Ok, thank you very much." I hang up.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asks.

"Handling Mark's bitch ass. That office has a high-speed computer with a large monitor. I'm certain his stupid ass is watching porn on it. So, let's see how good Kim's security is. This store and the customers deserve better."

"Look at you caring, it's so nice. I knew there was hope for you."

"I guess I do care, and I like the way it feels. We'll see what happens. If nothing happens, I still have the video." I think how much lighter I've felt over the last month. Seeing the happy smiling faces of customers as they come to the Holiday Department has touched me. Especially the sweet and innocent children. Their eyes light up just looking at the lit trees, ornaments, and decorations. Working here warms my heart in a way it's never been warmed before. It feels good. Really good.

The newly reorganized department looks awesome and has a great flow. The Kim Tree Toppers are flying off the shelves. We'll have to order more quickly.

"Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Miss!" I say with a warm smile and heart as the phone rings.

"Jungkook. This is Mr. Kim. I'm free and will see you in my office now." I'm frozen and speechless.

"Jungkook. Please come up to my office."

"Oh, sure, Mr. Kim I'm on m-my way."


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