Camp pt1.

148 11 4

Author POV:
After the brake the teacher called everyone to get inside the bus,they wanted all of the students to be in a line,to double checked if everybody was there.

Luckily everyone was there,there was no trouble.(yet)

Yoongi was at the back of the line,he wanted to avoid Jungkook every way possible i mean he hoped so.

While he was standing the teacher called out their names and double checked.

(Fast forward to Yoongis turn bc im lazy)

While yoongi was getting called se was pushed from behind.

Yoongi almost fell forward,but a hand helped him from falling.

Grabbing him from his waist....


"Ow..."Said yoongi in a little monotone voice but it wasn't that loud for people to hear.

"Im so sorry sugar are you okay??"At least the person was apologising but it was the last person yoongi wanted to crash into him.

Like spoiler Jungkook?

"Yeah im fine....Thanks for catching me im very grateful.."Yoongi told jungkook in a very questionable,confused voice.

"Its okay sugar im glad you arent hurt i accidentally slipped on a rock"Jungkook replied to yoongi in a worried and confident voice.

"Yes you were Min Yoongi and you are Jeon Jungkook am i right?"Asked the teacher.(Like stop ruining the moment )


"Yes thats us we will go to our seats were holding the line a little dont wanna be a bother right Mr.Shin"Yoongi interrupted Jungkook from speaking.

Jungkook was surprised was not expecting that from that little short yoongi.

The both of them were walking to their seats this time not on top of each other.

It was very awkward to say at least until the bus started they had to wait for a couple more students that were late.

That meant more awkward time for Yoongi and Jungkook.

Yoongi started feeling bored waiting for the bus to start he looked for his bad on the floor but realised that he put it in the upper compartment.

He was sitting next to the window.

Jungkook was listening to music at this time i cant blame him he was bored as hell.

"Um...Sorry to bother but could you get my bag from the compartment above,I dont want to bother if i bother you i could get it myse-"Then he got interrupted.

"Its okay sugar you're not bothering me im very happy you're getting comfortable asking me anyways."Jungkook replied to Yoongi while smiling.

Yoongi of course smiled back at him but more awkwardly yeah.....

Jungkook got up and got yoongis bag which was very light compared to his probably because he had like a hundred things in it.

"Thanks.."Yoongi thanked Jungkook awkwardly.

"No problem sugar"Jungkook replied to Yoongi confidently and sweetly.

Yoongi opened his bag and got out a book it was a philosophy book.

"Aw dammit i got the wrong fucking book shit i even told myself to not get this book son of a bitch"Yoongi whispered very quietly so nobody could hear him,he was sure Jungkook didnt hear him because of the earphones on his ears.

But no like normal plot twist Jungkook heard everything he wasnt sure if it was the same yoongi or did he change personalities.

To say it more normally he was absolutely fucking shocked to his core.

Yoongi started to read his book with a little frown,Its not like the books not good(It was not good)Its just he was a little cold.

Then he remembered that he had a scarf with him that was pretty thick and long like perfect for him.

He opened his bag once again and picked up the scarf.

Was it anything interesting no,literally a black scarf with his name in white thats it.

Jungkook was a little astonished as well even his clothes were more vibrant than that scarf.

Yoongi put on his scarf and already started to feel warmer and started reading his book.

The bus had started when Jungkook was getting Yoongis bag(but i forgot that so dont worry about it)

2 hours had passed an Yoongi read and only read for those two hours,Jungkook only listened to music didn't do anything else except for taking a few sneak peeks at Yoongi then pretending he was looking out the window.(I feel like he would be like this then pull a stupid prank or tell something he did that is guilty of)

20 minutes had passed now and Yoongi was getting pretty tired he tried not to fall asleep but sleep always wins.

He fell asleep againts the window,Jungkook was trying to peek again then he saw Yoongi sleeping he looked very cute,Yoongi was pouting Jungkook noticed that it was a habit he saw him sleep in class sometimes like that.

He checked if anyone was looking at him and double checked if Yoongi was surely sleeping.

Then quickly he took a couple if pictures of Yoongi sleeping then he took like one picture of the scenery to make it seem he was definitely not taking a picture of his sugar.

Jungkook slowly took the book from Yoongis hand he saw it slipping away from his hand he didnt want a ruckus from the students saying "DAMNIT WHO WAS THAT THE BOOK"

Yeah definitely not he also didn't want to wake up his sugar he was to precious to wake up he looked to cute sleeping.

He fixed some strands of his hair removing it from his eyes,he saw yoongis face more clearly he loved that.


Sorry for not updating for like uhhh 7 months i dont know school at that crumbling up together conplete shit i was not going to update this story but i havent gone on wattpad for a couple of days then i saw my notifications the were like uhh 28 i think some of them were from my story then i went and checked it and then i noticed it had 1,1K reads was not expecting that thank you so much for the support for readung my stories even though i cringe when i read them back and please correct me on my spelling english is not my first language if the plot changes sometimes im sorry i suck at remembering what i wrote i had to read my own story like 4 times till i knew where i should continue.Its currently 2:51AM its sunday i have school tomorrow its my last week atleast.

Anyways Love From ur dumb bad remember author.

and heres one meme

Goodnight and Goodbye👋

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Goodnight and Goodbye👋


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