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Diamond is at the shop waiting for the next client to come through.  She booked an appointment around 1 and it was already 12:50. She came walking in and went up to the counter telling her she was her for an appointment.  Diamond gets up walling to her. 

"You must be Kelsey? " Diamond asked
"that's me.  You gorgeous" Kelsey said walking with Diamond to her hair booth. 

"thank you.  You're gorgeous. "

"If I was into girls.  I'll get your number"

"You flirting with me? " Diamond asked smiling. 

"Shit I am now.  Are you single? "

"I am.  But I'm not into girls boo" Diamond said laughing. 

"Me neither.  Ain't nothing wrong with trying it out for the first time" Kelsey said being sarcastic

Diamond took off her bonnet in her hair was already washed.

"Girl you've got some good hair," Diamond said seeing her hair fall to her shoulders.

"Thank you. I just need some curls"

" Don't mean to be all in your business.  But I see you poking"

"Yes.  5 months"

"Aww.  Your first? "

"Yes and only.  Pregnancy ain't for me"

Diamond laughs. 

"I mean I've never been pregnant so I don't know how that feels"

"Like shit"

Diamond laughs starting to part her hair.  An hour passed and Diamond was done. 

"Okay, girl.  Look" Diamond said handing her the mirror. 

"Yes.  This is fire. Finally, somebody who knows how to curl some hair, "

"You're welcome.  Just come back any time"

"Oh, I will every week," she said getting up paying her and giving her a tip. 

Diamond walks back to Bella opening the door. 

"You good? " Bella asked

"Yeah I was going get out of here early"

"Plans? "

"No just got a headache"

"Alright I'll be at your house to check on you when I lock up"

"That's fine with me"

Diamond leaves out getting in her car.  Before she could shut the door a man walked up snatching her out of the car

"What the fuck" Diamond said seeing it, Keith.


"Olivia.  Thought I wouldn't find you huh" he said slapping the fuck out of her.

Diamond was fed up with him.  She stole from him.  He stole off her back making her fall to the ground and holding her jaw. 

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" Diamond yells. 

"You thought you could escape like I wouldn't find you. " Keith said grabbing her by the hair and punching her.  He didn't care who was around watching.  That's how bad it was.

Diamond's purse was still in her arms when she fell.  She managed to get her handgun out while he was still hitting her.  She let off a shot not knowing where she hit him.  When she opened her eyes she saw blood coming from her stomach. 

Keith falls to the ground.  Everybody ran outside including Bella.  Somebody already called the cops.  Bella ran over seeing Diamond with blood coming out her mouth and a gun in her hand.  Then seeing her cousin bleed from the stomach. 


"Bella.  Help me, " Keith said

Bella got down on her knees putting pressure on his stomach.  The police arrived instantly putting Diamond in handcuffs.


"You've got a collect call from"


Bella hit 1 answering it. 

"Please tell me he's alive? "

"Oh he living" Bella said

"I don't have a bond.  I'm so sorry Bella.  I didn't know what to do" Diamond sad beginning to cry

"Olivia get yourself together.  This was self defense. You gone be out soon"

"I just CANT" Olivia said crying. 

"I love you and cal me every chance you get okay.  I'm here.  I'll be to money on your books okay? "

"you have one minute left"

"I love you too best"

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