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3 months later. 

Diamond is at work doing her job taking calls, and greeting people who need help walking in.  Trevor has been trying his hardest to get Diamond on his team for the longest.  He knew she wasn't going for his dog ways. 

Clocking out walking outside to her car. Trevor comes behind her. 

"Dinner on me? " He asked

"I'll pass," Diamond said opening her door.

"Still being cold."

"Have to be. I heard enough about you. And I told you months ago I like a real man"

"I am a real"

Diamond shut her door folding her arms.

"So be real and tell me why you want to fuck with me? "

"Shit, you know why," Trevor said biting his lip and checking her out.

"And that right is why I'm not going for you," She said opening back up her door.

Trevor grabs her hand. 

"Hold on hold on.  Look I'm not the sweet romantic type.  Love ain't for me. "

"Who said anything about that? "

"How else a nigga suppose to come off? "

"Asking a lady about her day,  how they feel,  how they doing,  talk.  Get to know them first.  Like you never went on just a date? "

"nah.  Just went straight to the bedroom or wherever we at"

"WOW," Diamond said

"I'm not the romantic type. I just be wanting to fuck"

"Trevor look.  We ain't gone work out.  AT ALL. I'm not the girl for you" Diamond said getting in her car and seeing he still standing there.  She rolled down her window. 

"Show me," He said

"Show you what? "

"How to be romantic"

"Oh No.  I'm not that girl either.  What the fuck" Diamond said laughing

"Listen.  I'm going to be real with you.  The last time I gave my heart to somebody they fucked me up.  That's why I am the way I am now"

"So you being something you really not?  Like I didn't say that when you interviewed me"

"It's a lot you've said that had me thinking. if I'm being honest"

"Tell me"

"Hiding behind somebody I'm really not.  How I come off to females etc"

"Which is horrible."

"So show me how I should treat you. "

"You don't want that baby"

"Nah I do"

"I have rules.  A lot of them"

"Put me on punishment then," He said

Diamond laughs not taking him seriously.  He looks her dead in the eyes.  Diamond stops laughing seeing he was serious. 

"You dead ass? "

"Dead ass baby"

"You just not gone give up? " she asked

"It's been 3 months since you've started.  Dodge me every chance you get.  Ain't never had any female turn me down like you did.  Kind of did something to me"

"Like what? "

"All these Questions,"

"Because I'm trying to understand you, Trevor"

"I'm just fucked up in the head.  And I feel like you are the person that can fix that problem"

"I'm not a counselor "

Trevor laughs. 

"No, you not. So you gone put me on punishment or not? "

Stella walks out of the office building towards Diamond's car.  Stella was fucking on Trevor for a minute until he called it off. 

"Hey Trevor my car not starting.  Can you help me? "

Trevor turns around irritated already by her.  Every time he talks to a female she pops up. 

"Yeah give me a minute,"  he said turning back to Diamond. 

"I got to go," Diamond said starting her car up. 

"Give me a chance"

"Let me think about it. "

"alright baby," Trevor said

Diamond backs up driving off headed home. She pulled up to her house seeing Bella's car there.  Bella decided to move to New Orleans with Diamond so she'll have somebody close to her.  She walks in and sees Bella in the kitchen cooking.

"Smells good bestie," Diamond said

"Hope you are hungry.  How was work? "

"Girl work is work.  Of course.  But Trevor is not trying to leave me alone.  It's been what 2 months this man has been trying"

"3 Months actually," Bella said laughing. 

"That's even more bad.  Girl I just don't know "

"Is he a hoe for real? "

"He damn near fucked everybody at the job. I'm cool off buddy ass" Diamond said laughing.

"Don't say that then you end up changing that man for the better" Bella said

"if I change him.  He better be thanking me every day"

"You stupid" Bella said laughing. 

"Serious.  I'm still running from Keith ass"

"But you did change that man.  So I know you good at it.  He just turned crazy"

"It's crazy how we've was gone get married and all.  5 years down the drain.  Than me having to change my name because of him"

"Yeah I'm sorry you even have to go through that shit"

"I'm not going through nothing now.  I'm starting a new life.  And I'm liking so far"

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