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Diamond walked out of the building pulling out her phone and calling her best friend. 

"Hey, how's everything back home? "

"Everything fine.  But girl.  Keith is really going crazy about you.  He really thinks somebody kidnapped you" Bella said

"I don't care what he's thinking.  I can't come back.  That man damn near killed me.  I just have to stay away from all of y'all.  If he finds me Bella I'm going be dead." Diamond said having a flashback. 

"bitch if you ever leave me ill find you and kill you," Keith said slapping her

"let me go, Keith"

Keith grabs her hair dragging her from the living room to the kitchen. Keith grabs a knife leaning forward and putting it up to her neck. 

"tell me you love me"

"I love you.  I love you" Diamond said crying. 

Keith took the knife slicing her neck just a little.  Blood started coming down the side of her neck. 

"Kieth" Diamond said grabbing her neck. 

"shut the fuck up"

Diamond noticed the knife drawer was open.  Keith leans up turning around and putting the knife in the sink.  Diamond hurried up grabbing the first knife she felt in the drawer stabbing him in the stomach. 

"YOU BITCH" Keith said grabbing his stomach. 

Diamond stabs him again getting up and running to the front door grabbing her keys.  Keith tries running after her but can't do the fact because he was stabbed. Diamond got in her car driving off.

"Trust me. He will never know where you at. Continue to play your role as the name you are."

"do they still have a warrant out for my arrest?"

"Yes, girl. It paints the narrative that you were the abusive one and he was always afraid for his life. But still looking for you"

"Crazy, Delusional, Obsessed, all the above.  I will never come back to that man"

"I'm just happy you escaped this psycho.  He is my cousin and all but I would never thought he would turn out the way he is"

"I just feel so lonely up here by myself.  I start my new job at Credit Union, "

"Bitch What? That ain't even your thing.  Nails,  hair, and lashes are your thing"

"I needed to try something different," Diamond said getting in her car. 

"You need me to come? "

"I wish you can"

"Baby I'll book a flight tonight,"

"You will? "

"Yeah, I will.  I ain't seen my best friend in a month and I need my boo" Bella said laughing. 

"You're so silly.  Just be careful doing everything.  I don't need him finding out" Diamond said

"I won't.  Toodles.  I love you" Bella said hanging up.

Diamond put her head on the starting wheel having another flashback.

I woke up at 3 in the morning seeing Keith was sound asleep.  I get up slowly walking to the closet we share in this big beautiful house.  I grabbed my suitcase out slowly closing the closet.  I picked it up tip-toeing out our room down the steps.  When I was I'm the lining room I grabbed a folder under my TV stand with my new identity and social in it.  I walked to the door grabbing the keys of the table by the door.  Keith comes running down the steps seeing me opening the front door. 

"YOU BITCH" he said chasing after her. 

I manage to open the car door throwing my suitcase over me into the passenger side.  I hurried up closing the door seeing him inches away from me.  I locked the door just in time before he could open it. 

"I will find you.  And I WILL KILL YOU"

I started my car and drove off as fast as I could.  I took the intersection onto the highway and never turned back around. 

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