I quickly hung up, leaving the conversation to abruptly end and slammed the phone back into its place.

To say things ended poorly between me and him was an understatement. He practically wanted to disown me, claiming I was a shame to the family.

"Amber, you've been given a gift. A power. Something that should never be abandoned."

My eyes narrowed in fury, "I don't have the same passion for magic as you do. It's something that has been used from me all my life. I'm tired of it." His expression read a look of rage to me and I continued, high off the adrenaline of anger, "I've always been used. Used for every little thing. Practicing all day, sleeping when the suns coming up, missing out on things with my friends."

"I just want to be normal!" I screamed, my own fury causing me to skip a beat in my heart. He said nothing in return.

"Why are you not saying anything?!" I screamed again, pain causing scratches to become the undertone of my voice.

"You have a gift, Amber. You're not normal. You'll never be normal. You abandoning your powers is a disgrace to your family. We've had a long line of strong ancestors before us, tracing back to millennia before. To leave all of this work in a sudden stop? After all those nights you worked and strived to advanc"

I cut him off and my voice broke, "I'm not a disgrace for wanting to be human... and wanting to be normal." But he looked at me like I'm insane. Like... I'm crazy. Crazy for wanting basic things. He looked at me so condescendingly that after a minute or two, I started to actually believe him.

I don't bother staring back at him, as I turned away and walked into my room.

My mother walks in, a pitiful look on her face.

"Amber, we love you," she starts, but I roll my eyes and cut her off immediately.

"Really? Because the way dad's looking at me, it makes me feel like an absolute fucking stranger in this house." I continue towards my dressers, forcing them open and unhinging them in the process.

"Stop being like this..." her voice is soft, almost pleading with me.

I guess this was my last straw. I stopped clawing at my belongings, silence ensued and interrupted by my intense inhale.

I turned towards her, adrenaline rushing through me and infuriated beyond belief, "Shut the fuck up."

Even my own words shocked me... I was always quiet. Always listening and following directions. People pleasing all the time, like a stray dog. Pathetic.

I wanted a mother who could hold me to sleep, brush my hair, hug my tears away, kiss my cheek to revive my happiness, be my shoulder to lean on, be my mother...

I wanted a mother.

A mother I could trust, never forgetting the way she ran to my father in events of conflict between me and her. A mother who could love me fully.

I snapped back to my current reality...

The gemini coven... four dead?

The clock above my kitchen sink ticked and it shot me out of my daze.

FADE INTO YOU || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now