Murtasim's train of thought was interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. Shifting his attention from the sea of children surrounding him, he saw Meerab standing there—looking strikingly different from what he had anticipated. While Murtasim never wanted to dictate Meerab's choice of attire, he was aware of the village's somewhat judgmental gaze. Which is why he was hoping that she would opt for something more suitable for the formal school event, and well it's safe to say Meerab had surpassed his expectations.

Dressed in a dull gold dress with a printed shawl elegantly wrapped around her arms, golden earrings framing her face, and her usually curly hair straightened, Meerab had the widest smile on her face. Murtasim wasn't staring, but she looked remarkably different, and he couldn't help but notice this.

As they visited different classes, Murtasim observed Meerab's interaction with the kids. It wasn't just a simple handshake; she hugged each child, her warm words of encouragement creating an atmosphere of genuine connection. Her genuine smile and infectious laughter echoed through the hallways, leaving a trail of joy in her wake.

In one classroom, a young boy couldn't contain his admiration, speaking up with a shy yet sincere compliment, "You're so pretty, Khaani." Meerab's response was a delightful blend of humility and gratitude, "Thank you," she said, her laughter adding a charming sparkle to the moment. The compliment lingered in the air, subtly affecting the atmosphere.

In the midst of the children's sincere compliments, Murtasim found himself unintentionally swayed by the shared sentiment. The thought lingered briefly in his mind, a silent acknowledgment of Meerab's elegant appearance. Pretty? Well, she did look quite different from her usual self, Murtasim thought, his train of thought momentarily swaying into the unexpected territory of personal observation. However, Murtasim was quick to assert his mental discipline. In a sudden move, he swiftly shook away the thought, as if dispelling any hint of his keen observation.

As the event came to its end, with everyone waiting for the Khan to come over and say a few words, Murtasim realized that it would be better for Meerab to go over instead. It was her first official visit to the school so it only seemed suitable. Murtasim, breaking his silence, leaned in towards Meerab, "Umm, Meerab, if you don't mind, would you go on the stage and give a speech? Maybe a few words of encouragement and stuff."

It was the first time during their visit that Murtasim had initiated a conversation directly with Meerab. Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm as she nodded, "Of course, I will." With a burst of excitement, she handed her phone to Murtasim, "Mr. Khan, would you take a video of me as well then?"

Hesitant but willing, Murtasim nodded, taking Meerab's phone into his hands. Feeling a bit awkward, he turned to Bakhtu, "Make a video, and maybe click a few pictures afterwards," he instructed as Bakhtu nodded.

Meerab made her way to the stage, the eager eyes of the children and teachers fixed on her. Adjusting the microphone, she began her speech with a warm smile, "Assalamualaikum, everyone! I'm delighted to be here today on my first official visit to this wonderful school. Education is not just about books and exams; it's about nurturing minds, fostering creativity, and building a brighter future. Each child in this room holds immense potential, and it's our responsibility to ensure that they have the tools and opportunities to unlock that potential.

I want to take a moment to commend the teachers and staff for their dedication and hard work in shaping the minds of these young learners. Your commitment to education is truly inspiring, and I'm honored to witness the positive impact you're making on these children's lives. A special thank you to Khan Murtasim Khan, whose visionary leadership has transformed this school into a beacon of hope and opportunity.

As we stand here today, let's not just see a school; let's see a community that is collectively invested in the growth and development of its future leaders. Education is the key that opens doors to endless possibilities, and together, we can empower these children to dream big and achieve their aspirations.

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