It wasn't the most pleasant process changing out of a wet hoodie and jeans, but Jisung was glad to be out of those soiled clothes and in a pair of joggers and a fresh hoodie. He offered Minho some clothes as well, and he would be lying if he said that seeing Minho in his clothes wasn't something that made his heart feel a little funky.

Finally, they moved into Jisung's bedroom, and he was about to plop down and pray to fall unconscious when Minho stopped him.

"Before you lay down, do you have any other favorite blankets? Any extras?"

"Yes, why?"

"Another instinct that omegas have that helps them calm down during a heat is nesting. It isn't a very intense need unless you're pregnant, but it will help your body during heat as well."

Oh. "Never in my life did I think I would have to worry about an accidental baby," Jisung muttered, awkwardly rubbing his arms. Could he wake up now?

Minho was moving around the bed, tossing all the blankets and sheets up near the headboard. "Why do you say that?"

Jisung snorted. "Minho, I'm gay."

"Oh, right," Minho laughed cutely while a subtle tinge of red painted his ears. "Well, as long as you avoid creepy alphas, you should be fine."

The more Jisung watched Minho throw blankets and pillows together, the more he wanted to jump into the pile and fix it up to be more comfortable. It only took him a second to realize it was that 'instinct' probably kicking in. He bit his lip to focus on something other than his nerves as he stepped forward.


"Yeah?" He stopped what he was doing, glancing up at him with slight worry. "You okay?"

"Um... can I?" Jisung whispered, pointing at the bed.

"Of course." Minho stepped back. "I noticed you seemed to like that blanket in the living room, so I'll go get that."

Jisung slowly crawled onto his bed, wincing as his aching body moved. His skin was still fairly warm, but after that soak in the bath, he felt much better than he did before. At least he could think clearly now.

Without much thought, Jisung began rearranging the pile carefully, placing pillows along the edges of his comforter that acted as the barrier to his 'nest'. He'd always liked to bury himself in pillows and blankets, so was that just some of his 'omega' peeking through all this time? It was strange to think about. 

He was beginning to pull his extra blankets into some nice spots when he noticed Minho's scent floating through the air,. Why did that smell make him dizzy?

Jisung glanced over his shoulder and nearly passed away at the sight of Minho leaning in the doorway, blanket in hand, and dark eyes pinned on him. A subtle shiver ran down his spine. He quickly looked away, mind skipping around and face even warmer than before.

Minho slowly made his way over to the bed. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better, I think. I can fully use my brain now, so that has to mean something, right?" Jisung joked, now falling into the pile of comfort he made for himself. Yes, something in his body definitely settled down now that he was comfy.

"Good, I was hoping that bath would help." Minho handed the blanket to Jisung and then held Jisung's phone. "Can you unlock this?"

"Sure, why?" Jisung took the device, reminding himself not to drop it when sparks jumped along his skin due to the brush of their fingers.

"While I could answer every question you have about your new... lifestyle, there are easier ways for you to learn everything." Minho dragged Jisung's desk chair over to the bed and plopped into it once Jisung handed the phone back to him. "I'm going to download a few apps that every omega needs. And yes, they are necessary. One of them in necessary for all of our kind, so you'll have to eventually get used to using it."

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