(25) Recital Day...

Start from the beginning

MARI: "But DAD- We HAVE been practicing! Every day, like you've kept saying, and it's wearing is down! I'm just saying, we should have a break, even MOM says-"

DAD: "Your MOTHER doesn't know how important this is. Think about it-" He stood up, putting on his suit. "You two playing on the stage for all ot FARAWAY and FURTHERTOWN. This Recital could define both of your futures for your musical talents." He kneeled down and put both hands on her shoulders, rubbing them a bit.

MARI looked down and thought about it for a second, looking at the palm of her hands as her fingers ached.

DAD: "... But that just means you NEED to perfect this. If any Scouts are there, they'll focus more on you since you'd be able to attend whatever they have to offer. SUNNY, he's so young, he still has time to blossom, his talents still developing. But if he doesn't play his best with you, that will just make you both look bad, wouldn't it?"

MARI looked away, brows furrowed as she knew it was wrong to agree, but... it was her FATHER. She couldn't refuse, she knew she couldn't.

"Well...yeah, but DAD-"

DAD looked at his watch and stood up, tightening his tie. "I'm gonna be late. Look, you both can take a break after one more performance. I'll have your MOTHER watch over your performance, okay?" He pulled down the collar of his suit. "Now, what makes perfect?"

MARI took a second to reply, grasping at her skirt as she sighed quietly. "... Practice. Practice makes perfect..."

DAD: "Good." He turned and began to head to the Kitchen. "Don't forget to play for your MOTHER, wait until she's there to start." He stopped at the doorway and looked over his shoulder.

"I'm only trying to help, honey. All of this is for you two."

MARI kept herself sitting up straight until DAD left the room, sighing silently as she leaned back on the couch. She draped her arm over her eyes and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling as she slid her arm down to her side. Staring at the ceiling with a melancholy expression, she spoke to herself quietly.

"Yes sir..."


"Woah... your DAD sounds like a total scuz. No 'fense."

MARI looked to CHIVE, seeing him with his arms behind his head, and shook her head a bit.

MARI: "No, you're right. He was- IS... He is one."

CHIVE looked deep in thought for a second before sitting up. "Waiwait... I thought you said like, this was the day of you Recital. But didn't Past You say that was in a few days or sumin'?"

MARI sat up and cleared her throat. "Well, uh... no offense to you, but I'm glad you're actually listening, heh."

CHIVE: "Ay, can't blame ya, I'd be makin' sure I was listenin' too~"

MARI chuckled smiling as she moved her bangs asides. "Still, thanks, hehe... Well, you did hear right. It was in a few days. I just... wanted to let you know why this meant so much to him... and..."

She pulled her knees close to her chest, looking away and sounding rather saddened.

MARI: "A-And why... I did what I did ON that day..." She let out a weak sigh and put her head between her knees. "I did something... unforgivable, CHIVE..."

CHIVE scooched over and patted her back, rubbing it a bit as she sniffled. "S'alright if you don't wanna talk about it, MAR MAR. I'd understand if like, it's too hard to talk 'bout."

MARI peeked over her arm, seeing him give a friendly smile, sniffling as she cleared her throat n-no, I... I need to tell you this. If... If we're gonna be friends, then... you deserve to know what I've done..."

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