Part 2: The CEO is holding my shoe

Start from the beginning

"As I had suspected, they are low, but not as low as I thought. Sales are down because more people are choosing to shop online," Sehun reports.

"Yes, spending is down, but Kim's is special. We offer a unique and special shopping experience which cannot be found anywhere else, least of all online," I remind Sehun.

Had the world changed that much? Had it changed to the point where people just didn't want to connect with others? Especially at Christmas time. Or were people so busy in their lives that they couldn't take the time to shop outside their homes?

Had they forgotten what it was like to receive excellent customer service, special attention and a friendly smile from a service provider that cared about their satisfaction?

If our Christmas doesn't yield good numbers, I'll have to cut jobs at the beginning of the year. This would be horrible. Kim's cares about people. That's what dad always said. Not only is Kim's about our customers but our employees. We provide good employment where employees can establish a career and build good lives, and we are important to the community.

Many of our employees start in entry level positions such as clerks. With commitment and hard work, they move into management positions or many others. That's what we do at Kim's. We are family.

Cutting jobs is just not an easy option to consider. In 70 years, Kim's has never cut one job. Dad was proud of that. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that record remains intact.

"Tae, I think if we finish the year big with Christmas sales, we'll do fine."

"Well, Sehun, that's great news. We are well positioned to do well. We have several new Kim's brand items that are expected to do well like the Kim's Christmas Tree Topper. I met with marketing earlier and they're excited."

"I wouldn't be jumping for joy just yet, Tae." Sehun tells me. "We do have to get through the holidays and do better than normal. All departments are down."

"Sehun, we've both been doing this a while. You know as well as I do that this is where things start every year. We just entered the holiday season. Where's your optimism? Where's your Christmas spirit?" I say with an uplifted voice.

"I'm the accountant and it's my job to worry. The Christmas Department is always our biggest revenue. Let's focus on getting people in our store and then the rest will take care of itself." Sehun says with a bit of optimism.

Sehun was right. Let the rest take care of itself. We just focus on getting the customers in our store and staff will do the rest.

As I end the call, I finally exhale the breath I was holding. A soothing calm comes over me as I feel my entire body relax. I smile knowing that there's hope for my employees. It won't be easy, there's hard work ahead, but I'm ready for it.

Two Weeks later

Taehyung's POV:

There's a soft knock at my door. "Come in please." "Good Morning, Dae. How are you ?"

"I'm well, Tae, thank you. I wanted to remind you the store walk is scheduled for 11:00 today."

Dae was my dad's secretary and now mine. She knows this store as well as I do and I'd be lost without her.

"Thanks, Dae, is there anything else?"

"Yes there is. Are you getting enough sleep? You look thin. Are you eating, Tae?" Oh I forgot to mention that Dae thinks she's my mother. She and my dad had a close relationship and I have known her all my life. She takes care of me even when I don't like it or need it.

"Dae, this is the Christmas Season. You know all too well that late hours and busy schedules are a part of it."

"Tae, don't give me that bullshit. Your dad managed to get rest and never lost a pound. He actually put on a few pounds sampling all the holiday treats we have around here this time of year."

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