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Adhiraj Singhania (Sarah's grandfather)
Age -74

Aalok Singhania (Sarah's father )
Age -52

Aditya Singhania ( Sarah's brother)
Age - 29

Sarah Singhania
Age - 28

Sarah's bestfriend's

Davide Williams ( years ago when his family came to India his parents died in an accident after that he never returned and stayed here along with  his sister and then send her back to abroad to study he became friends with Sarah in college and then they became bestfriend like Sarah's other bestfriend's .and now he is working along with her as her personal secretary .)

Aadit Aaryan ( he is from the aaryan family when people thought he will help his older brother ashwath aaryan handling the company he started working at BJ groups which was not much  successful as it is now he is the cutest and sweetest he is like a bunny for all of them and it's also his nick name)

Vansh maheshwari (he is also from a strong family background his dad is a famous doctor in the India and also in other countries he is a hacker and can hack any computer expect one )

Miraj Mittal ( talking about him he is a lawyer by profession his dad is judge he also wanted his son to be a judge but Miraj has other plans he is also Sarah's legal adviser and till now he has never fought a fraud case and whoever case he handles he wins)

Last but not least
Abhram Bajaj ( CEO of Bajaj CO. And he is also Sarah's bestfriend his dad retired a year ago but his eyes are always on him about company  he is doing just great.)

Adrian Valentino (he is a business man the CEO of Valentino co. He stays in Italy. his friends are his life and he can do anything and everything for them )

Marco Hennessy ( Adrian's bestfriend and partner he trust him a lot he is an orphan when he was 8 his mom dad died in plan crash he silenced himself after that but then Adrian came into his life)

I just wanted to tell to you more about the other's that's all and yes Sarah don't have female friend and yes they are all deadly handsome and eligible bachelor's of Mumbai and every next girl dreams about them but that guys don't even look at them.

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