2. Surprise!

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Rose Rodriguez.

"So, what did you think?"

I sighed. This is so difficult.

"Enzo... Should I marry Vitaly?"

"Well, I have known him since highschool so.."

He pressed his lips into a thin line and took a pause.

"He is a responsible man, you can count on him anytime.."

Another pause.

"It's like, I don't think i could find any defects in him."

"So is it okay to marry him?"

I questioned. I hoped that he would reply quickly and confidently but the way Enzo spoke, it was a little concerning.

"Well, umm.. I think that's upto you, I told u what he's like but whether to marry him or not.. that's totally upto you."

That's weird.


This time I was meeting Vitaly again, in Enzo's cabin.

He opened the door, slightly peeking inside, and walked in.

"Hello, Miss Rodriguez."


He is so formal with me. He doesn't even smile. What's even his problem?

What is he so uptight about?

"So, what did you think?"

"I don't even know you well, how do I marry you just like that?"

I mumbled. He nodded as if he totally understands me and said.

"Our marriage would only last upto 6 months, so it won't really be a concern-"

"No! It doesn't matter how long the marriage lasts! After all, we are talking about marriage, it's not some child's play. Also, 6 months is still a huge time. We need to find another alternative Mr Rostov."

I spoke with a frown, and slightly raised my voice at him.

It seemed I took him by surprise by my little outburst.

"I can understand, but... Alright, what do you suggest?"

"Umm i think we should.. hang out a little, I want to get a little familiar with you before I marry you.."

I said except this time, my voice was a little low.

Yes, I was blushing slightly. I mean, this man is handsome as fuck who wouldn't blush?

"So you are ready to marry me?"

His eyes, though very little, lit up. But he kept his calm composure once I nodded.

"Very well then Miss Rodriguez."

With that he took his leave and I went back to work.


I left Enzo's building for the parking lot and noticed another car parked near my car.

It looked much better than mine.

Curiously I tried to look inside the car but the window was totally black so I just shrugged it away and proceeded to enter my car.

But my movements were halted when I heard his voice.

"Miss Rodriguez.."

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