Chapter 5 The financial supporter of the male protagonist Bai Yueguang (5)

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  Chapter 5 The financial supporter of the male protagonist Bai Yueguang (5)

  Gu Zechuan entered his mobile phone number and WeChat ID into her mobile phone with a dark face, and made a call to his mobile phone before throwing the phone back to her.

  How dare this woman think he is old? ! He just turned 30, okay? ! Don’t you know that men become more attractive as they get older? ! Especially a 30-year-old man who happens to have a career and is mature. What woman wouldn’t like him? !

  "Plot completion 10%"

  "Gu Zechuan's favorability +5, current favorability

  is 5." "Host, this is a really good way to indulge in lust!"

  Li Jinhuan looked at the addition of a friend on WeChat and picked one. He stared at Gu Zechuan without saying anything.

  Before Gu Zechuan's anger subsided, he saw that she kept staring at him and said angrily: "What are you doing? Are you suddenly interested in the old man again?"

  Li Jinhuan shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I was thinking, really As expected of an old man, his thick skin is something he has cultivated over the years, right?"

  Gu Zechuan: "..."

  "Pfft!" Liu Qingchen on the side couldn't hold back after hearing this, and spit out all the wine in his mouth. Carefully, I choked and coughed wildly on the side, making my face turn red.

  Gu Zechuan's face was completely black.

  Very good...this woman is really good! This is interesting...

  "Favorability +2, current favorability is 7."

  Li Jinhuan pretended to look at the time, then looked at Shen Qinghuan sitting not far away, and saw a trace of unknown jealousy in her eyes. .

  Gee, the relationships between characters in this plane are really complicated.

  "Forget it, let's meet again if we have a chance, little handsome guy." Li Jinhuan waved to Liu Qingchen, then turned his attention to Gu Zechuan, paused and said, "Old man, bye."

  Gu Zechuan: "..."

  Gu Zechuan said fiercely He glared at Liu Qingchen who was sitting aside and holding back his laughter. Liu Qingchen was holding back his laughter until his face turned red. He said that he didn't do anything and it was none of his business!
  Of course it's none of his business, this was all Li Jinhuan's intention.

  The best way to deal with such a conceited man is to indulge in lust. The harder it is to get something, the more he will miss it.

  After leaving the club, Li Jinhuan blacklisted Gu Zechuan's WeChat account, and then received a call from his manager Xiao Lin.


  "Li Jinhuan!! Auntie, what have you done?! What should I do if Lu Minchen wants to ban you from the entire Internet?!" A man's roar came from the other end of the phone, with heart-breaking words. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it.

  Li Jinhuan was on guard and took the phone away when he yelled.

  After the other end of the phone went quiet, he posted it again to appease the agent on the other end and said, "If you want to block it, let him block it. Make it as if I have received some good resources before."

  The other end of the phone became quiet . , Indeed, since Li Jinhuan followed Lu Minchen, his resources have not increased, but have decreased. He even told her that he didn't like her to go out and show off, but he could afford to support her.

  Actually, he was afraid that her career would surpass that of Shen Qinghuan and overshadow her. It seemed that he also knew how threatening her face was.

  "It just so happens that you take this time to rest. Thank you for your hard work." As soon as Li Jinhuan finished speaking, a strange phone call came in.

  "Gu Zechuan's favorability is +3, and the current favorability is 10."

  Li Jinhuan raised his eyebrows. What did this man do to impress himself?
  "I have a call coming in, please wait a moment." After Li Jinhuan finished speaking, he picked up the unfamiliar number.

  (End of chapter)

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