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Janvi was still unconscious.
Mihir was sitting alone beside Janvi's bed in the hospital. He wanted to hold her hand but couldn't gather the courage.

"I wish we had never met." Murmured Mihir

"Why....." Said Janvi very softly. Her eyes were slightly open, due to the wounds it was difficult for her to open her eyes completely.

Mihir held her hand "How are you? Are you feeling better?"

"Yes." Murmured Janvi

Janvi was unaware of the fact that whatever had happened was done by Sanjana.

"I want to tell you something very important." Stammered Janvi

"Yes, I am listening." Said Mihir holding Janvi's hand.

"You saved me earlier, and today. Thank you for that, I feel that you are a very good friend and I never want to lose you, promise me you will never leave me." Said Janvi

Mihir was silent. He got rid of her hand and said "I am not a happy person, and I tend to suck happiness from the soul of people around me and that's why I fear commitments, I can not promise you something that I can never accomplish." Said Mihir.

Rishi knocked the door.

"Yes." Said Mihir

Rishi entered the room.

"I hope you are feeling better, I am Rishi, Mihir's brother." Said Rishi handing the food packet, which he brought from the canteen, to Mihir.

"I am good." Said Janvi

"I am not hungry." Said Mihir

"Shut up....have your food." Said Rishi

"Oh you will have it when Janvi tells you to, I got it, nice commitment." Said Rishi giggling.

Mihir and Janvi laughed.

Mihir opened his food packet.

Rishi took Mihir's position and was trying to entertain Janvi.

"So you are his new gf." Whispered Rishi

"What...No." said Janvi very softly (blushing)

"Oh sorry I forgot, he is too boring to be someone's bf...." Said Rishi

Janvi giggled.

"What? Don't you think he is boring, he is not even worthy of being anyone's friend." Whispered Rishi

This conversation was not Audible to Mihir

"Indeed he is a bit boring, but he is a good friend...." Said Janvi

"Um hm.... I see." Said Rishi

"Well I think you know about Sanjana." Said Rishi

"Yes." Janvi's smile faded.

"Look, upcoming days are not going to be easy for you, all I want to say is all the best. And if by any chance you are in trouble and if Mihir is not there you are free to contact me." Whispered Rishi

"Thanks....but why do you think there will be some problem....and why would Mihir not help me." Said Janvi confused.

"Look.....I am not the right person to explain you these things.....just remember what I said, I will feed my number in your phone." Said Rishi

"Also your phone is repaired." Said Rishi

Janvi was discharged the next day.

To her horror, prof. Roy had informed her parents about her kidnap. (She had gone to Manali without informing them)

"We trusted you, when you said you wanted to study in Delhi." Said Janvi's mother.

"I didn't break your trust anyway maa, I didn't do anything wrong, it was not my fault that I got kidnapped." Said Janvi

"You have to return home with us, no more studies." Said Janvi's dad.

"You can't do this to me papa, I have to study, I want to be a lawyer." Cried Janvi

"How can I leave you alone after all this."

"You have to dad, I promise this time I won't step out of my college campus, please let me study." Said Janvi

"And how do we trust you." Said Janvi's dad.

Janvi succeeded to manipulate her dad with the help of professor Bajaj who knew she was a very bright student.

Janvi's dad left on a condition that if she steps out of her college for any reason she would be taken back home.

Janvi's life was now confined in between the Academic block and the mess of her college. But Janvi was quite okay with it as she was confident that after just 3 more years of college she would be a good lawyer and would not require anyone's permission to do anything.

To everyone's surprise, Sanjana had started attending college daily. And Mihir started ignoring everyone, he stopped talking to everyone including sanjana.

Janvi felt it weird.

The third floor of their academic block was undergoing some repairs  work and so all students were restricted to go there. Mihir had a good influence on the non teaching staff of the college and so he could easily make his way to an empty classroom there. He used to attend college daily but spend his college hours in some empty classroom.

"Talk to him." Said Niti

"Whom?" Asked Janvi

"Mihir ofcourse."

"I wanted to but he is ignoring me." Said Janvi

"He is ignoring everyone, but you have to try and find out what's bothering him." Said Niti


"Talk to him when he is in the canteen, he is alone anyway these days." Said Niti

Janvi was waiting alone in the canteen, when sanjana arrived.

"Hey...." Said sanjana pulling a chair beside Janvi

"Hi!" Said Janvi

"Waiting for someone......oh may be Mihir." Said Sanjana

Janvi was quite.

"Look he is mine, stop fussing arround him, otherwise I hope you remember the past few days ....." Said sanjana

"What do you mean." Said Janvi

"Bye..." Said Sanjana with an evil smirk.

She left.

Janvi was processing things when she saw Mihir filling his cup of coffee. Janvi reached near the coffee counter, " heyy!"

Mihir smiled at her without a word.

"You ignoring me?" Said Janvi

"No." Said Mihir

Mihir started walking towards the door of the canteen. Janvi followed him.

"Mihir, I have something important to tell you....." Said Janvi

Mihir was still ignoring her.

Janvi lost her temper and pulled Mihir's bag, he stopped with a jerk and the coffee fell on his t shirt.

"Ohh shit." Said Mihir

"I am......I am sorry..... I didn't mean to....." Stammered Janvi

"Look please leave me alone." Said Mihir rushing towards the washroom.

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