Chapter 33: Madeline

Start from the beginning

There was one person she owed talking to. Her cousin, Freya. They had barely spoken since everything happened. Madeline felt guilty for going to Billie about her issues. Freya was out of the loop, which is something that never happened to her when it came to Madeline's life.

Madeline vowed that once her lecture was done, she would call Freya. They would talk today.

After her final lecture, Madeline searched for her phone and located Freya's number. Sucking in a breath, she dialed her number and waited impatiently for her to answer. Freya was quite a busy person but she was always able to answer her phone for Madeline.

It didn't take long for her cousin to pick up. Madeline sighed in relief when Freya's soothing voice sounded through the phone.

"Madi? Is everything alright?" She immediately asked, concerned.

"Uh, yeah actually. I just—" She cut herself off, the words caught in her throat. Madeline had so much to say. She wanted to apologize for pushing Freya away and she also wanted to thank her for being such a good friend. "I want to see you. Are you free later?"

Freya didn't reply instantly. Her delay put Madeline on edge.

"I'm free now if you want to meet. I can pick you up?" She suggested, easing Madeline's worries.

"That sounds great. I'm on campus if you want to pick me up." She told her, leaning her back against a tree.

"Okay, I shouldn't be too long," Freya said and hung up.

Madeline tilted her head back and enjoyed the quietness. She had a lot to say to Freya—most of it was long overdue. She refused to lose her connection with Freya, especially as her cousin had done so much for her.

Half an hour later, Freya's car rolled to a stop in front of where Madeline was standing. Madeline smiled tightly at her cousin, her nerves returning.

"Hey," She greeted as she hopped into the car. Freya smiled brightly back at her, harboring no ill feelings. That was very typical of her cousin. She easily forgave. Freya never held grudges.

"Hi, I'm glad you called. It's been too long," She stated, making Madeline wince internally. "Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking of a cafe. I want to talk to you," She told her, fixing her gaze on Freya.

"Okay, I'll drive us to Starbucks then," She chirped back, putting the car in gear.

They drove in silence, listening to the tunes coming from the car. When a BTS song came on, Freya glanced at Madeline in worry. Freya appeared surprised when Madeline didn't demand to switch the song. Instead, Madeline found herself enjoying the beautiful voices of her soulmates. Butterfly had always been one of her favorite songs by them.

They arrived at Starbucks and ordered their usual drinks. Freya spotted a table in the corner of the room which gave them some privacy. Madeline sat facing the wall and Freya. There would be no distractions having her back to the cafe.

"So," Freya began, stirring the whipped cream with her spoon. "Why did you call me?"

"I'm sorry for being a bitch," She blurted out, needing to get the first thing off her chest. "I've been pushing you away even though you've been trying to help me. So much has happened that you don't even know because of how I've been acting. I'm sorry, Freya."

Freya seemed taken aback by Madeline's apology. It was clearly unexpected.

"Madi, you don't need to apologize. I was interfering with stuff I shouldn't have. The reason you pushed me away was because I kept pressing things on you. It wasn't right. If anyone should apologize, it's me." She replied, guiltily.

This time, it was Madeline's turn to be shocked. She didn't know Freya felt like that. "Freya, despite how annoyed I was at the time, you were trying to help me. I just couldn't see it at the time."

Freya drew her eyebrows together, processing her words. "What do you mean by that? Are you insinuating that..." She trailed off, trying to put the pieces together.

"Yes," Madeline affirmed, nodding her head. "I spoke to my soul mates. Cleared the air I guess. I promised to try and let them in."

Excitement flashed in Freya's orbs, "You're accepting them?"

"I am."

Freya squealed quietly, "Oh my god, I'm so happy. You have to tell me everything. I have to know."

And just like that, Madeline knew they had cleared the air. They knew each other so well they didn't need to hash out anything else. They both apologized and saw their errors. That was why Madeline valued her bond with Freya so much. They molded well together.

The conversation switched as Madeline explained everything that had happened. Freya didn't appear angry or hurt that she hadn't been told sooner. Madeline was relieved she finally told Freya this.

Things were finally looking up for her. She was mending her mistakes and was feeling brave enough to initiate plans with her soul mates.

Nothing could go wrong, she was certain. 

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