Chapter 10

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The Pink Poodle

This night as miserable as ever.

We are right now camping in the woods, far away from the main road. The forest itself was pretty dirty, with dozens of soda cans, candy wraps, fast-food wrappers and much more trash.

We managed to get some food from Medusa's place, but we didn't actually wanted to light up a campfire, sort of afraid that more monsters return. The Furies and now Medusa, we needed a break in case we out of nowhere get attacked by someone else, or something else. The fire could be used as a signal, to tell the rest of the monsters, where we are.

We agreed to sleep in shifts, giving the fact that is night time, Percy decided to go first... but I managed to convince him to give me first shift, I would have a better time seeing them in the dark.

I watched Annabeth curl up on the blankets, she was already snoring by the time she had her head on the ground. Kajsa was also covered in a blanket, but not sleeping actually. I saw her eyes slightly opened with a slight blue glow, confirming my thought. Percy did went to sleep as well as Grover somehow, though Thomas... he stayed awake.

I stayed seated a bit outside of the circle where the others were, as I look back hearing Thomas walk to me, though trying to be silent since well... hooves.

"Can't sleep?" I asked him, seeing him nod at my question. "Yeah... don't blame you for it."

"I know. Aren't you tired?"

"Nah, the night keeps me... pumped up per say."

Thomas slightly chuckled at what I said. "Pumped... up? Are you sure you're not Son of the Night?"

What he said there confused me slightly, the night? Is there a Night God or Goddess?

"Wait... the night? Are you talking about the Moon Goddess or like... a Night God?"

"Well... technically she isn't a god."


"Yeah. Mortals would call her, a Primordial. We call her a Protogenos. Gods rule over said thing, Protogenos are said things. Mother Night not just embodies it, she is it... the night itself. Her name is N-Y-X."

N-Y-X... Nyx. Oh I've heard that name before, I only know her cause Zeus never dared to fight her, not even face her face to face.

"I have heard of her. No I wasn't really saying the night makes me more pumped, more like the lack of sunlight and darkness. Maybe being Son of Hades and my slight connection to Hades gives me a slight power-up, like how Percy is with the water. Don't Satyrs have something similar?"

"Nah, we're per say... very minor gods, we do have a much better understanding on nature, I mean, we are Nature Spirits. Give me a pipe and I might show you nature magic."

"A... pipe?" I asked him... he did know there are two objects named pipe... or three.

He confirmed saying, "A reed pipe, I don't mean a smoking pipe."

"Yeah... I-I knew." I definitely didn't knew.

"I bet." We both heard a voice, and we turned seeing Kajsa wrapped in a blanket plus some chips in her hands. She sits between us with a tired look splashed in her face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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