ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 24 {ᔕᕼEᒪᐯEᗪ}💔

Start from the beginning

"What?! That's not a choice!"

Andy clicks a button on RC's remote that causes him to come flying out of a cardboard with Buzz on top of him.

"To infinity and beyond!"

That box has been saved since the move. It's been a saloon, a planet, a house, a space station , a lighthouse and even a pirate boat. Buzz and RC smash into Doctor porkchop, throwing him off his game, I'm not even kidding he was knocked to the ground making loose change spill everywhere. Andy takes Woody over to Bo.

"I'll save you Miss Peep" Woody says as Andy picks Bo up.

"My hero!" She smiles before kissing him multiple times.

And just like that once again, I'm always the bridesmaid never the bride.

Andy picks Buzz and myself up saying "Thanks buzz!"

"No problem Buddies, you should never tangle with the unstoppable trio of Y/N, Woody and Buzz Lightyear!"

Andy had hooked my arm around Buzz's and did the same with Woody on the other side. As he pulls us up and slightly away from each other I hear a loud rip that sounded like a breaking seam.

"Oh no-" Andy's mood instantly drops and he also drops Buzz and I. He's examining Woody's shoulder intently.

Andy's mom walks up behind him, she recently got her hair cut and it looks super healthy and fresh if I do say so myself. "Andy, let's go. Molly's already in her car seat"

'Wait why did she leave Molly unattended in the car. Is the door still open, with the new haircut did Andy's mom sanity get chopped off too?'

Andy looks up sadly to his mom showing the problem in his hands "but Mom, Woody's arm ripped"

She picks him up from Woody's hands and suggests "Oh, well maybe we can fix him on the way."

"No, I'll just leave him."

You know what, that's a great example of how much Andy is maturing compared to his age. I think that most kids would definitely bring their toy regardless and have them get more damaged.

"Oh I'm sorry honey, but you know, toys don't last forever" Andy's mom pities her son.

Sure it would suck a bit to have to do but Woody is much safer missing out of one cowboy camp then having his whole arm fall off. And that's when it happened, Andy's mom shelved Woody.

She picks up Andy's backpack, puts a hand on his shoulder as he gazes up at Woody and then the two leave the room. Woody instantly unfreezes and gasps, along with Buzz and I and the others who have been left on the floor.

In the distance I hear "what happened?"

Rex had walked over to Mr potato head who is reassembling himself.

"Woody's been shelved" Potato head says simply followed by a gasp from Rex.

I don't think that I have ever seen a toy come down front that shelf that has came back down to join everyone again. They always get sold in a garage sale, sit up their for years or are thrown out. But surely we can fix Woody right I mean I could! It's just a few stitches, it's not impossible. I watch as Woody lifts his now torn arm and drop it lifelessly. That must of hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.

We all start to gather down the bottom, one by one.

The sound of a car door is heard and he looks out the window, slightly leaning towards what's happening. I see him say something to himself before slinking down and letting his legs dangle over the edge.

"Woody?" Slink calls out

"Woody honey" Bo calls out

"Are you ok Woody?" I add on before we watch him pull his legs out of sight.

I look behind me to see both Buzz and Bo pull worried faces both at me and each other.

It's going to be a long weekend for him.

Boom another update! Look at us on a roll!

Please feel free to vote and comment as it really helps out my book! 🎆


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