Chapter 69. 'The Secret Talk in the Study Room.'

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Kirti gives his arm a friendly punch saying with an encouraging smile, "Let's not look behind." Vihaan nods with a sigh and smiles slightly at her.

They all could only be each others' strength.

"Let's go." Kirti says walking towards the study room.

"After you." Vihaan says and she leaves.

He looks at his maternal grandparents' picture, sighs and walks away.

Vihaan stands in front of the study room which was closed and was waiting for him to open the door and go in. He remembers what he said to his father and gulps hardly in fear. No matter how older he gets, he will always be afraid to face his father when he is pissed off because parents are parents. And he knows he pissed him off already and how bad his father's temper can be. He knows his Hero will never raise his hand on his kids without their mistake. He trusts his sons who are grown up and mature now but still because he is their father, so he simply feels a bit scared of him like any other kid, something that people call, respect.

Fear and respect? Really?


he thought of his father will beat him makes him laugh inwardly at his childish thoughts but then he gulps hardly thinking of what must be the reason his father called him, his brother and his wife to meet him at this hour of the night for? Now he is scared to know the reason.

Vihaan takes deep breaths but in between his breathing the door opens at his face making his breath stuck in his lungs as he finds his father standing at the door in front of him with a straight cold face.

"What's taking you so long?"

He blinks at his father who stares at him with Kirti from inside while Tej was sitting there like a new student in the Principal's office looking straight. Then Vineet goes inside casually.

Vihaan leaves the breath and tries not to cough. Kirti tries not to laugh at the brothers' states. Vihaan goes in following his father and comes closing the door behind him softly.


Im the Study Room 📚 :

Vineet gestures him to sit. Vihaan sits beside Kirti in front of their father who takes his seat. He did not want to piss off a already sulking Tej.

His father clears his throat and says professionally with a racing heart, "I need to discuss something really very important with you."

Kirti nudges Vihaan who looks at her. She nods and he gulps hardly realising what is she hinting at. He takes a deep breath and nods.

Vihaan looks at their father saying softly, "Before anything I want to say something." Vineet nods looking at him blankly. Vihaan looks down at his hands while licking his lips and says meekly, "I'm sorry, Dad."

Silence roams in the entire room.

Tears brim in Vihaan's eyes. Vihaan looks down in his lap and tears fall rolling down in his lap as Vineet looks at his son who says further, "I didn't mean to say it otherwise. पता नहीं कैसे मुँह से निकल गया। I became so idiot, so crazy to find out the truth that I blabbered nonsense without thinking just to get some details out from you. I'm-" Vihaan gets cut off as he gets engulfed in a warm gentle hug from behind. Vihaan doesn't delay and hugs his father tightly as he cries like a kid still sitting on the chair. He did not realise when Vineet got up but he recognises his father's warm hug.

A Mischievous Gutsy Girl.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu