As they continued to battle, the devastation around them grew more intense. The once vibrant town was now a smoldering ruin, and the cries of the injured echoed through the air.

"We can't keep this up," Mayu said, her voice filled with exhaustion. "We need to retreat."

But before they could make their escape, Regice unleashed a powerful attack, sending them flying through the air. The force of the blast was too much, and as they crashed to the ground, their vision blurred and their strength waned.

Brawly's eyes fluttered open, his body aching as he struggled to rise. He looked around, the devastation of the town weighing heavily on his heart. "We failed," he muttered, his voice filled with sorrow.

Mayu and Raiden lay unconscious nearby, their Pokémon by their side, their strength depleted from the relentless battle. As Brawly looked upon them, a sense of determination welled up within him.

"We can't give up," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "We need to find a way to stop Regice and save our town."

As Brawly's Hariyama launched itself into the fray once more, it emanated a fierce determination. Its massive arms swung with incredible force, sending shockwaves through the air with each blow directed at Regice. The ground quaked with every stomp, and for a moment, it seemed as though they had found a glimmer of hope.

However, Regice was relentless. Its icy defenses seemed impenetrable, and its powerful attacks continued to wear down Hariyama's stamina. Blow after blow rained down upon the stalwart Pokémon, each one taking its toll.

Brawly watched in horror as Hariyama staggered under the onslaught, its once fierce demeanor now replaced with exhaustion. "Hang in there, Hariyama!" he shouted, his voice filled with desperation.

But despite its valiant efforts, Hariyama's strength waned, and with one final, defiant roar, it collapsed to the ground, unconscious and defeated.

"No..." Brawly whispered, rushing to Hariyama's side. He knelt beside his fallen Pokémon, his hands trembling as he tried to assess its condition. Tears welled in his eyes as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Regice loomed overhead, its icy gaze fixed upon them. The legendary Pokémon seemed to revel in its victory, its icy aura pulsating with malevolent energy.

The chaos in the aftermath of the battle lingered in the air as Brawly, Mayu, Raiden, and their Pokémon lay unconscious, victims of Regice's devastating onslaught. Steven, his eyes filled with concern, cradled Riyu in his arms. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on him, and he knew they needed a way out.

Unable to bear the sight of his fallen comrades any longer, Steven made a decisive choice. With a determined expression, he summoned his Metagross, its steel body gleaming in the dim light of Granite Cave. Holding Riyu close, he whispered words of encouragement to the powerful Pokémon.

"Metagross, it's time to break free," Steven said, his voice filled with conviction.

Metagross nodded, its eyes glowing with a determined energy. With a powerful surge of strength, it unleashed its psychic abilities, channeling them into the rubble that blocked their escape. The rocks crumbled and shattered under the force of Metagross's telekinetic power, creating a path to the outside world.

As the dust settled, Steven emerged from the cave, carrying Riyu. The scene outside was no less chaotic, with the remnants of the town and the aftermath of Regice's rampage surrounding them. Yet, amidst the destruction, a mysterious figure caught Steven's attention.

Ren stood at the forefront, her hoodie pulled low over her face, and in her arms, she cradled a Poké Ball. A sudden gust of wind revealed her determined expression as she commanded her Salamence to unleash a powerful Flamethrower upon Regice. The legendary Pokémon roared in pain as the flames engulfed it, its icy exterior beginning to melt.

However, the unexpected turn of events took a darker twist as Shelly of Team Aqua, the enigmatic figure who had been lurking in the shadows, threw a Master Ball at Regice. The ball captured the weakened legendary Pokémon in a burst of light, sealing its fate. Shelly grinned triumphantly, having successfully claimed Regice for Team Aqua.

Amidst the remnants of the chaotic scene, the atmosphere grew tense as Ren, Shelly, and Steven found themselves at an impasse. The weight of their gazes was palpable, each individual sizing up the others, trying to discern their intentions and next moves.

Ren's voice broke the silence, her tone laced with disbelief and suspicion. "What do you think you're doing with a Regice, Shelly?" she demanded, her eyes locked onto the Team Aqua admin's.

Shelly smirked, her expression dripping with arrogance. "Claiming what belongs to Team Aqua," she replied cryptically. "The balance of power is shifting, and it's time for us to take control."

Steven's gaze hardened as he interjected, his voice cold and authoritative. "Using a legendary Pokémon for personal gain? That's a dangerous path to tread, Shelly."

Shelly laughed dismissively, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "The champion of Hoenn speaks. Always so righteous, aren't you, Steven? But tell me, what are you doing here in Granite Cave? Playing the hero again?"

Steven's grip tightened on Metagross's Poké Ball, his resolve unwavering. "I'm here to protect Hoenn and its people, something Team Aqua seems to have forgotten."

Ren, sensing the escalating tension, took a step back, her eyes darting between the two adversaries. She had stumbled into a situation far beyond her understanding, and the weight of it threatened to crush her.

As the verbal sparring continued, the shadows of the cave seemed to grow darker, casting an ominous pall over the scene. The distant echoes of the town's destruction served as a haunting backdrop to their confrontation.

Suddenly, Shelly's expression shifted, her eyes narrowing as she spotted an opportunity. "Look behind you, Steven," she taunted, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

Steven's eyes widened in realization as he turned to see an Aqua Grunt seizing Riyu, holding her hostage with a menacing grip. Riyu's eyes widened in terror, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled against the grunt's iron grip.

"Release her, now!" Steven bellowed, his voice echoing through the cavernous space.

Shelly chuckled, her laughter echoing eerily off the cave walls. "It seems the tables have turned, champion. What will you do now?"

Ren, paralyzed by fear and uncertainty, could only watch as the situation spiraled further out of control. Her mind raced, searching for a way to intervene, but she felt powerless against the formidable adversaries before her.

Steven's mind raced as he assessed the situation, weighing his options. He couldn't risk Riyu's safety, but he also couldn't let Shelly escape with a legendary Pokémon. The stakes had never been higher, and the weight of his responsibility pressed heavily upon him.

Suddenly, a blinding light filled the cave as Shelly activated a teleportation device, whisking herself and Riyu away in a flash of energy. The suddenness of their disappearance left Steven and Ren stunned, their senses reeling from the abrupt shift.

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the distant rumble of the collapsing town and the heavy breathing of the remaining individuals. The gravity of what had just occurred settled over them like a shroud, leaving them grappling with the consequences of their actions and decisions.

As Steven lowered his Poké Ball, the reality of Riyu's abduction weighed heavily on him. He had failed to protect her, and the guilt gnawed at him relentlessly.

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