438 5 9

Mikasa: Eren, why does he always have to go so far? So far away from me, from us, just when will this end

The Ackermann is still in pursuit of the convoy. At this point, she has been chasing it for so long, the gas is soon going to run out.

EF cameraman 160: Mission success everyone, Eren Jaeger is ours!

EF large cameraman 48: The toilets have failed, and we have foiled their plans, now we are the victors

Everybody inside the carrier gives each other a thumbs up or start dancing despite moving at high speeds through a forest.

EF cameraman 196: So what is the next step then now that we we are heading back to base with the boy?

EF speakerman 216: no clue, we were told just to grab the boy and head back, maybe we'll be given new orders once we arrive

EF cameraman 196: Maybe

EF cameraman 421: ew, what is this weird goo he's covered in??

EF cameraman 160: That's another titans std's

EF cameraman 421: WHAT!? as he puts his hands behind his head

EF cameraman 160: relax it was a joke, but no it's just the saliva of another titan

EF cameraman 421: oh... nevermind

EF cameraman 160: and we're robots we're not organic or anything

EF cameraman 421: yeah, that's true I guess

Meanwhile at the back of the carrier

EF cameraman 196: uhhhh, guys, sorry to ruin our celebration, but uhhh

EF speakerman 216: spit it out

EF cameraman 196: There's a human....following us

EF speakerman 216: That is complete nonsense, any humans following us, we would've noticed already like 10 minutes ago

EF cameraman 196: just come take a look!

He grabs the speakerman and fixates his head towards what the cameraman was talking about.

EF speakerman 216: Oh... now I see

EF cameraman 196: Oh yeahh now you see the obvious

EF speakerman 216: so what do you expect me to do?...throw a knife at her?...shoot her?

EF cameraman 196: definitely not whatever you just said

EF speakerman 216: well we have to do something because she looks pissed, like as if she could massacre an entire town

EF cameraman 196: Let me tell the drivers of this carrier and see if they can do something turns on comms Hey, bumheads, there's a human following us, i was wondering if you could do something?

There was no response from the operators of the vehicle

EF cameraman 196: no response, damn

EF speakerman 216: we can't tell anyone here because they're all ignoring us, I mean, look at them, they're drawing a literal penis on Jaegers forehead

EF cameraman 196: dumb**ses

Outside the truck

Mikasa: (My gas supply is going to run out, and then I'll be left stranded without Eren, I have to go in, from the looks of it, those doors don't seem to be sealed properly, I'm willing to take the risk, anything to get Eren back)

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