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EF tv man 5: That was horrible

EF black cameraman: but you're still alive, and you too cameraman #2

EF cameraman 2: Luckily, we are

EF black cameraman: Judging by your tones, I guess it really was bad then

EF tv man 5: Of course, it was

The alarms around the outpost have activated. It's the toilets...


EF cameraman 106: WE GOT STRIDERS INCOMING!!!!

EF black cameraman: No, no, it can't be

EF tv man 5: we need to do something now

EF black cameraman: everyone hold your ground!

EF cameraman 2: this is bad, really bad

EF black cameraman: I never expected them to come this early, but we need to take them down

The alliance agents used the trenches and vehicles to shelter and hide. Eventually, the striders had found some cameramen hiding behind a truck, and unfortunately, killed them....

EF black cameraman: noooooo!! Screw this everyone charge!

EF cameraman 11: I'm going in bro screw this

EF speakerman 11: Yeah, I'm done hiding too

The striders were later swarmed by multitudes of agents, hitting and blasting them with rifles until the large cameramen flushed them. The skirmish was over, multiple agents were injured badly, for over a week the alliance had held its ground without suffering any deaths, but now it seems like it will no longer be like this from now on. Everyone is exhausted, down.

EF cameraman 43: dang, our friends are dead..

EF cameraman 139: we will miss them

EF cameraman 43: forever

EF cameraman 139: You know, really, when we made it to this world, we weren't expected to survive this long

EF cameraman 43: What do you mean?

EF cameraman 139: Back then, I saw some footage of the war, before we came here, I realized that cameramen and the other factions just ran straight into battle, they weren't supposed to live, but to kill toilets

EF cameraman 43: so you're saying we aren't supposed to live?

EF cameraman 139: basically, as long as there are toilets out there, we will always have to run straight into death

EF cameraman 43: guess so, but I don't want to die

EF cameraman 139: me neither, but the whole point of being in the alliance is that you're willing to give your own life for the sake of humanity

EF cameraman 43: and since for 2 years we haven't seen toilets, we were just made for no other specific purposes

EF cameraman 139: exactly

EF cameraman 43: guess so, but you know what I think?

EF cameraman 139: what is it?

EF cameraman 43: I think we should all pick our asses back up, head to base, and revise this plan

EF cameraman 139: you know I was thinking the same too 👍
Now let's go find our depressed commander

EF cameraman 43: smack the hell out of him and give him a reality check

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