[Chapter 7] Horror On TDI

Comenzar desde el principio

Scary Girl: *Yawns* "Heya..!"

[She rubs one of her eyes.]

(Y/N): "Heyy, tired too huh?"

Scary Girl: "Of course, even someone likes me needs sleep!~"

(Y/N): "Wonder what Chris has in store for us making us wake up this fricking late.."

Scary Girl: "I dunno, but whatever it is I'm interested!"

(Y/N): "Because it's in the dark?"

[She giggles.]

Scary Girl: "You know me so well~"

[Chef calls out.]

Chef: "I know you all aren't used to waking up this early, so I made everyone some basic coffee to wake up."

[You both head down as Julia scoffs.]

Julia: "Eww, this tastes terrible! If you were my barista I would so give you a bad review."

Chef: "It's either you can sit there and drink it, or you can be tired while everyone else is awake during the challenge."

[She scoffs again as she rolls her eyes and continues to drink it.]

[You take one and notice Scary Girl already has one, she takes the lid off and dumps the whole cup into her mouth, swallowing it all in one gulp as you stand there in amazement.]

Scary Girl: "Hey, I was thirsty!"

Chris: "Alright campers, once you've finished your drinks, I want you all to come around and I'll tell you what your challenge is!"

*Scene Change*

[The teams are divided like usual as Chris stands in front of them.]

Chris: "So, you might be wondering why I had you all wake up this early."

Bowie: "There better be a good one, I look terrible without doing my morning routine."

Raj: "Well I think you look great!"

[Bowie looks at him and smiles.]

Wayne: "Yeah, I think you look great too!"

[Bowie gives him an awkward smile.]

Bowie: "Thanks- Wayne."

*Confessional Booth*

Wayne: "After Raj and Bowie hooked up yesterday, I want to make sure I'm the most supportive pal I can be!"


Chris: "Well, todays challenge is similar to that one challenge we had back on the original show, the one where Chef hunted everyone!"

Emma: "Well it's just Chef hunting us down again, so how hard can it be?"

Chef: "Why do I have a feelin that that's supposed to be a comment about my age?"

Chris: "Now settle down there, I never said that Chef was gonna hunt you down again, this time I'm making this a team challenge!"

Chris: "The rules are simple, I'll pick one person from each team to hunt the people on the other team. Each person not hunting will get a 5 minute head start before the hunters go looking for them, so it's recommended that the hunted find a good hiding spot."

Chef: "Once all of a team's members are found, the game is over, and the other team wins immunity!"

Chris: "And to count as a point for your team, the hunter needs to drag the camper back here, to the cabins."

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