[Chapter 4] Bone Head

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[You're one of the last ones in the dining hall as everyone else is eating. You rub your eyes as you scan the area, Bowie has some of the slop on his face, Millie and Priya are eating together. Chase and Ripper are doing what looks to be a hot sauce chugging challenge, Zee is drinking his soda, and Scary Girl.. she was stabbing the table with her spoon and tearing the wood as she had this creepy look on her face. You sigh and go and sit across from her as she pokes her head up, her eyes lighting up at the sight of you.]

Scary Girl: "Hii (Y/N)!~"

(Y/N): "Hey Scary, what- what are you doing..?"

[You gesture at the table as she looks at it.]

Scary Girl: "I dunno!"

(Y/N): "I see.." [You sigh and shake your head as you look back up at her.]

(Y/N): "Scary- you, might need to tone down the creepyness..."

[You tense up as she looks at you, her face neutral.]

Scary Girl: "..Why?"

(Y/N): "I-it's because a lot of people are unnerved by you- and if we lose another challenge, I'm sorry to say but you might be the next one going home!" 

[She looks off to the side for a moment then looks at back at you with a smile.]

Scary Girl: "Aww (Y/N)!~ You don't want me to leave?" [She rests her head on her hand as she looks at you as your face flares up.]

(Y/N): "I- I mean..."

[You're saved as Priya comes over and sits next to Scary Girl.]

Priya: "Hey (Y/N)! Hey- Scary!"

(Y/N): "Hey Priya." [You breath a sigh of relief.]

[Scary Girl just tilts her head slightly as she looks at her as she smells the air.]

Scary Girl: "You smell nervous."

[Priya nervously starts to sweat as she looks at you like a deer in headlights as you shrug.]

*Confession Booth*

Priya: "I do not know what (Y/N) sees in her, he's either secretly as crazy as her, or he has a really good tolerance for people."


Priya: "W-well I was wondering if you two w-would like to be in an alliance! W-we can be like puffypals! It's what I call my stuffed animals, well not anymore, well it's still their name, we're just not friends currently, I mean we're not not friends, wasn't a fight- you know- life-"

[Scary Girl slams the spoon into the table causing you and Priya to recoil a bit as she looks at her.]

Scary Girl: "Why are you still talking..." 

[It was weird seeing her like this, she was visibly annoyed at the sight of Priya as she side eyed her, you just didn't know why.]

(Y/N): "L-look Scary, maybe just calm down-"

[She unfurrows her brows a bit as she looks back at Priya who's a bit shaken.]

Priya: "I just wanted to say that you amazed me at yesterdays challenge, you were so good!"

[Scary Girl shoots up with her usual smile.]

Scary Girl: "It surprised you that I was good because you thought I was bad?~"

[She full on bends the spoon in half as she points it at Priya as she leans back.]

(Y/N): "Scary! Stop!"

Scary Girl X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now