Chase: "Woah!

MK: "TMI!"

Millie: "I- don't think that's healthy..."

[You sigh.]

(Y/N): "No Zee it wasn't a 'pee break'."

Millie: "Was it Scary Girl."

[MK gets a sly look on her face as you just turn off to the side.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, it was."

Chase: "What's been with you two? Every time I see you, she's not too far behind ya!"

MK: "He totally has a crush on her~"

(Y/N): "No I don't!"

Millie: "(Y/N), if you have feelings for her it's okay!"

*Confessional Booth*

Millie: "Albeit questionable.."


(Y/N): "I don't! Can you please stop asking.."

Zee: "What ever ya say man! Wanna burrito?"

[He slides you one as you take it, remembering your hunger from earlier.]

(Y/N): "Thanks man."

[You hear the door slam open, expecting it to be Lauren you turn around, only to see an angry Julia. She scans the room as Bowie prods at her.]

Bowie: "Hey Julia, where've ya been? Insulting forest creatures?" 

[He laughs after he says that as Julia takes the burrito from his hand and smacks him upside the head with it causing him to hit his head on the table causing everyone to gasp.]

Julia: "Who posted the video of me yelling at the dinosaur!"

[MK looks away nervously as Julia scans the room.]

Julia: "No one brave enough to admit it, that's okay! I'll figure out who did it myself!"

[She walks out the door as Scary Girl comes up, she tries to push Scary Girl down the stairs only for Scary to smack her hand away and shoot a glare at her.]

*Confessional Booth*

Scary Girl: "Julia's a real jerk! Though if she tries to be rude to (Y/N).. she has another thing coming!~"


Julia: "Scary Girl, her boyfriend, and Bowie are proving to be a problem. As soon as I find out who leaked that video. They're all going home A.S.A.P!"


MK: "Does that mean you won't be blessing our morning burritos..?"

[You meet up with Scary Girl at the doorway scratching the back of your head.]

(Y/N): "Yeah.. sorry for not believing you yesterday.."

[She smiles.]

Scary Girl: "It's fine!~"

[An airhorn goes off as Chris comes over the intercom.]

Chris: "Next challenge! The field. 10 minutes!"

[You turn to Scary Girl and offer her a burrito as she shakes her head.]

Scary Girl: "Don't worry, I ate something on the way here!~"

[You don't want to think about it so you just shrug it off.]

Scary Girl X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now