34 - made it.

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Hazel's POV:

-3 months later-

We're graduating today. Natalia and I.

And when they call my name, and my girls (and Liam) cheer for me, I feel accomplished.

I feel like I made it.

Because I did. I did make it. I made it throughout every single shitty thing that's happened in my life. I fought and I fell and I got back up and I'm finally at the finish line.

I look back at Natalia. Who holds up a heart at me. I grin and look back.

And when my baby gets called I cheer for her too. She made it too.

And after all the pictures and hugs and congratulations, I'm at dinner with all the people I know best.

"So, I got a ton of internship offers. And- one of them is in California. Where I've always wanted to go," I say. "And I think I'm gonna take the offer."

"Me too!" Natalia says.

"Do it!" Alyssa says, voice breaking.
"You both- deserve it entirely. And- we'll be there too. Later, of course, but- you two- need to go. Absolutely."

"I think it'll feel weird," I whisper. "Not having you guys in the same apartment as us though."

"Well we'll be there every holiday!" Zoey says. "And every weekend, hell!" We laugh.

"And... we're all moving on anyway. And doing our own things. And we were gonna move out sooner rather than later," Lizzie says.

"Damn!" Zoey says, voice breaking. "I just didn't expect it to be this soon! When do you have to go?"

"Two weeks," I whisper. "That's when the job starts. So we'd- have to move this week. We... have our apartment there and Kat's enrolled in a summer camp already that she's so excited for, um..."

I start to cry.

"I just- fuck this is-" I laugh and shake my head.

"It's okay! It's okay! We're gonna host one more big girls sleepover and we're gonna- recall memories and it's gonna be great!" Mary says. I grin.

"It will!" Natalia says.


I just didn't expect it to be so goddamn sad though. The way Zoey and Lyss and I haven't let each other go since the damn sleepover started.

And how we haven't stopped fucking crying because we're literally moving to California tomorrow and movers have Nat and I's belongs on a truck half way to.

We fall asleep crying. And when I wake up and it's time to go, I'm even more of a mess.

My room is empty.

"I love you so much!" Alyssa sobs, holding me tight. I sob into her shoulder. Zoey joins in on the hug. Bawling her fucking eyes out.

"You're gonna be so happy there!" Zoey says, voice breaking. "And you're gonna flourish and it's gonna be amazing. You're gonna get so tan and-" her lips quiver. She takes in a shaky breath.

"Wait. Here. I got these for you. For your charm bracelet." She hands me a stethoscope and a heart charm with our (Zo, Lyss, and Zelly) names on them.

I hug her tight. She hugs me tighter.

"Don't forget us, okay?" Alyssa says.

"Never," I whisper. I hug them both.

"We'll walk you out, yeah?" Lizzie says. I nod. They walk us out. And I hug all of them for the last time in... god knows how long.

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