11 - you're to blame

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Natalia's POV:

-4 years prior-

"Fuck you, mom! I'm not a piece of fucking pottery you can mold! I don't want to be in all honors and AP! I don't want to be valedictorian! I'm tired!" I shout.

"I don't care, Natalia! You ruined my life! You're gonna pay for it! You're to fucking blame for this shit!"

"If it isn't the consequences of your own actions?" Nathan, my step brother says, coming into the kitchen. I laugh.

"Shut the fuck up, Natalia!"

"Damn. Now me personally, Talia.." he says, rubbing my shoulder. He sits down at the island and pretends to text some girl.

I know he's just sitting down here to make sure she doesn't hurt me, though.

"Go upstairs, Nathan." He looks at her.

"No. You're not going to hurt her."

"Is that what you tell him, Natalia?"

"No. I can hear it. You pinned her to the wall the other day. And you're lucky I didn't come down and pull you off of her then."

"You would hit a woman?"

"Is that what I said? Did I say I would hit you? No. I said I would pull you off of her. Because I'm not going to let you hurt her. She's 16. You're putting too much pressure on her."

"It's her fault! She ruined my life anyway! She's a mistake! And if she doesn't get anywhere she's fucking useless and a failure!"

"She's neither of those! I don't think you realize how fucking amazing your daughter is! She's smart! She can get As on her own! You don't have to abuse her!"

"Fuck off, Nathan! You're probably saying that because you fuck her!"

"Ew. What the fuck?" I say.

"At this point anything is possible. You two spend too much time together. I'm done here. Get out of my face.

"C'mon. Let's go get ice cream," he tells me. We walk out, and he puts his arm around me.

"Don't listen to her, Talia." I look up at him. We stop.

"I'm being so for real. I know those words get into your head and you over think about them late at night. I hear you crying. But I want you to know her words aren't true. You're incredibly smart. And you're needed here. You do so much for so many people."

"Okay, Talia? Promise me you won't listen her?" I nod.

"I promise," I whisper. He hugs me.

"Good." We get in his car.

*present time*

"Hey, Nate," I say.

"Hey, Talia. What's up?"

"Have you ever been in love?"


"What does it feel like?" I ask. He sighs.

"Pain. That's what love is. It's not easy. Or fun. And it's not expected either. It just.. happens. Even when you really, really don't want it to."
"Why, Talia?"

"I was just wondering. Thinking. Like I always am." He chuckles.

"Okay, sweetheart. The baby's up so I have to go, but I'll talk to you later, mkay?"

"Okay dad. Kids are gross! I don't know why you had one!"

"Goodbye, Taliaaa!!" He hangs up, and I smile.

I fucking love him.

"Yo when is your hot ass brother coming?" One of Lizzie's friends asks me. I look up at him.

"He's married. To a woman. And has a child."

"Affair!" He says.

"No. He loves her."

"Are you homophobic?" He asks.

"Very," I say, deadpan. He gives me a dirty look.

"She's not actually homophobic. She's in love with a woman and won't admit it," Lizzie says. I shoot a glare at her.

"I'm not in love with Hazel!" I say.

"Yes you are. Why we we always at her apartment, then?"

"Because! We're friends! We hang out! And we're never even alone! It's always with you guys!"

"Because why? What happens when you guys are alone?" She asks.

A make out session. A really, really good make out session.

"A make out session that turns into you straddling her lap?"

"Elizabeth! Get out!" I say.

"No. Not until you admit you're in love with her."

"I'm not!"

"Yeah and your brother isn't hot," he says. I shoot a glare at him.

To be fair, I have nothing against two men together. Nate is bisexual. I'm just pissed because they're interrogating me.

"I'm not in love with Hazel!"

A/N - I'm not giving you a hint this chapter because it'll give it away.

Well, besides the chapter name. "You're to blame"

I love you!!

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