30 - best of both worlds

920 30 8

Hazel's POV:

Natalia and I walk into my apartment with linked hands and bellies full of nausea. I glance at her before I open the door. Our mothers are sitting at the island drinking.

"That's not a good combo," she and I whisper in unison. We look at each other. They look at us. The girls come out of their rooms like it's a fucking queue.

They sit on the couch like normal but I know they're doing it because our mothers are scary, scary people.

"I bet you're wondering why we're here," my mom says. I look at her, then Natalia's mom. She looks just like her. The same chestnut hair and dark brown eyes.

My heart cracks slightly for Natalia.

"Since you want to have custody over Katerina, we should see what you're like as parents!" Her mom says. I look at Nat. Who's staring at the ground.

"No," I say, shaking my head. "I won't allow that to happen. This is my house, I pay for it, and I won't allow you to come in here and fuck everything up again."

"I have the papers, Hazel. All you have to do is get in contact with a lawyer. I don't know how you're going to do that, though. I just have one request. I just want to see you parent."

"No," I say. Natalia's mom chuckles.

"I saw your painting in her room. It's cute! I like what you did with the place!"

"I don't care," I say.

"Feisty," Natalia's mom says.
"You shouldn't fight back. Natalia never did. Polar opposites you two are."

"Keep her name out your mouth," I say. She looks at me and raises her eyebrows. She laughs.

"Damn," Mary whispers.

"Who are you talking to?" She stands up. I stare at her.

"You. Clearly."

It's one thing to have my own mother in your face when it's about me. But no one, and I mean no one fucks with Natalia. I'll pick a fight with her mom I don't care.

"Nobody talks to me that way. I'll say whatever the fuck I want." I sit her down and stare at her. I hold her down by her shoulders when she tries to get up.

"Okay," Natalia says, grabbing me.

"No," I say. She drags me to my room.

"No, stop it she's not gonna fucking torment you with her fucking-" she pushes me into my room and closes the door behind me. She stands in front of it.

"She wants to get a reaction out of you. Don't do that. Stop," she says.

"Natalia, I'll beat the fuck out of your mother." She shakes her head and hugs me.

"No. Stop, baby. It's Okay. Stop she's not worth it," she whispers.

"Yes, she is. I'll-" she cuts me off by kissing me.

"Stop, Hazel. It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay," she whispers. I stare at her.

"She hurt you." She opens her mouth, then closes it. She sighs.

"Yeah, she did. And she will continue to because that's just the type of person she is. Baby, she's not worth a fight. Just- call a lawyer. Do you want me to get you one?"

"Well- can you afford that? How can you afford the house too? Nat-" she places her finger over my lips.


"Yes," I whisper. She nods.

"We will not let your mother keep Kat. It just won't happen. I won't let it happen." I look up at her.

"I'll deal with them," she says softly.

"No," I say. "We can just call the cops. I already have a case against my mom. I have all the evidence. I- we can just kick them out."

"My mom won't like that."

"I'm not letting you go back out there by yourself."

"Conversing for quite some time in there, girls! Trying to get rid of us? You know that won't happen," her mom says.

God, her fucking tone makes me want to punch her. 

"Okay we'll just call the cops," Natalia whispers. I nod. Natalia makes the call.

"They said they're on their way. Like, 2 minutes out." She starts to pick at her fingernails.

"I think we made a mistake. I should go out there and stand up to her."

"No," I say softly. "No, we don't have to put up with this. We don't deserve to put up with this."

"You're right." I hug her and hold her head.

"It's okay. It's okay, Talia." She buries her head into my shoulder. I kiss her temple.

"I just feel like- weak."

"And you're allowed to be. You don't have to be strong all the time, baby."

"I feel like I have to be," she whispers.

"You don't have to be. Not anymore." There's a knock at the door.

"Hello, officers," I hear Alyssa say. I walk out. Natalia follows.

"You called the cops? It was never that serious," my mom says.

"They won't leave," I say. "And they need to go."

"Hazel," my mom says.

"This is what I'm talking about. They won't fucking leave and they need to go!"

"You're never getting custody of Kat!"

"Mom, please go. Don't make the cops force you out."

"Yes, ma'am come on. We have to go," one of the cops says.

"Alright! Fine! I guess you'll never see Kat again!"

"Kat's in her bedroom," I say. "If you wanted to take her, you would. You just wanna cause a fucking scene. Leave." They stand up.

"They're crazy," Natalia's mom says. She looks at Nat and smiles.

"Look at you, finally having someone to stand up for you. Something you could never do." She smiles at her and laughs. They walk out.

"Escort them out," the cop says. He follows them out.

"If they ever come back, call me. This is my card," he says handing it to me. I smile at him.

"Thanks," I say softly. He nods.

"I just need your statements and then I'll be on my way." We tell him what happened. And when he walks out Natalia runs to the bathroom and she vomits.

"Valid," Lizzie says, going to follow her. Lyss comes up to me and hugs me. I bury my head into her shoulder and sigh.

"I know, baby girl. I know. But you don't ever have to deal with them again!" She says.

"I'm getting a lawyer for Kat."

"Good. You need one." She comes out of her room and rubs her eyes.

"Hey, sweetheart! Were you nappin?" I ask. She nods and holds her hands up. I pick her up. She buries her head into my shoulder.

"When am I going to school, Hazy?"

"Do you wanna go to school?" She nods.

"Okay. You'll go after winter break! In January!" Meaning I have to work real fucking fast with this lawyer.

"Can we play Barbies, Hazy?" I nod.

"Absolutely. Let's go!" We go into her room. I sit down and grab one of my old Barbie dolls with red hair like mine.

I kind of wish I was one right now. The real world sucks.

A/N - procrastinating doing my Hw so bad rn. It's literally sitting open right in front of me and I'm not doing any of it.

I love all of you!🫶🏼

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