Merry Christmas!!!

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Look at the date! It's 24. 12. 2023, which means, Christmas is here!!!!!!

And I decided to draw this image just cause I could :3

And I decided to draw this image just cause I could :3

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Tbh, I'm very happy with how it turned out!

Some info just cause I can :>

The one who's skin colour is dangerously pale in comparement to the others is my OC I use when I am online. (When I get to know somebody, I become chaotic. VERY chaotic)
The one in the middle is @Honest_Healer (she's in the middle cause only thanks to her us three are now friends)
and the one on the right is @edgyphaze4everr (don't worry, you aren't drinking wine, unlike 3rd pov.)

I drew 2 ocs for each of us.

For me is 3rd pov. and Roza (who both know about you, but while 3rd pov. doesn't care about you, Roza is playing megalovania)
For Healer it's Chris and Marie (I feel like Chris and 3rd pov. would be good friends, while Marie would just be shyly standing next to the only person she actualy knows, having no idea what is going on)
And for Edgy it's Herobrine (who's an a*s) and Y/N (who if I had to choose who to date, I'd choose her)

Also, I tried my best, but if I did you wrong or did any mistakes (like that you would usualy have a different poze, etc.) please tell me, cause it's the only way I can do it the right way in the future :>

Hope you liked it!

Buh-bye and merry Christmas!!!!

My ✨️bootiful✨️ drawingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora