Riley's Dance

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James' POV

Losing regionals was really hard for Riley, and watching her in all that pain is always really hard on me. Watching your girl, the love of your life, beat themselves up over something, when it isn't really her fault. It can destroy you. The pain and suffering that she is going from is destroying her.

This past year in all has been hard for her. It wasn't fair, everything that she had gone through. She just wasn't ready to be studio head. She hasn't gotten the right amount of training. Miss Kate put way to much pressure on her, she was too young, and whilst yes she did an amazing job , she still wasn't ready.

I kept telling her this, "You are doing incredible. It is amazing what you have accomplished, think about it. The Next Step has only won regionals twice, once with us, and once when Miss Kate was still on A-Troupe."

I would tell her over, and over again, not always in the same words, but always the same message. "You are the best, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You did a lot for the studio," and of course the most important thing. "I love you," that was the thing she could never forget. I couldn't let her.

However, over the rest of the dance season, things didn't get much easier. Rehearsals were significantly cut down. Ri hired me to be head choreographer, so I helped with small local competitions, and we put on a massive showcase with all of the dancers. Even had some ex-dancers make a return for this performance. It was great but still, it was hard for Ri.

Knowing that she 'failed the team' it made her hard to be around them sometimes, especially sense some dancers took it out on her. Even though it was not her fault. She had a lot going on, and I wasn't there when she needed me most.

Which is what lead to this whole drama in our relationship. Which I have assured her multiple times, I have long forgiven her for, and I understand how it all went down. We've completely moved past it now, and after regionals we made a promise to each other, go stay together. Forever. In which was signified by a promise ring. Which Riley has worn everyday sense.

Riley had made the difficult decision to resign as studio head, and she's leaving to go to business school. I'd say I couldn't be prouder of her, but I always seem to be more everyday. Ri's choice to leave TNS was a very hard one. She had so many memories there. We had so many memories there. Our first meeting, first date, first kiss. So many memories there just the two of us, but we'll have so many more, and I'm sure we'll return to the studio at some point. Especially sense, even though it is yet to be officially announced, Emily is taking over as studio head.

Before we leave though, I was wanting to make one last memory of our time here. I went out and bought Riley flowers, roses her favorite, and a box of chocolates, not half eaten! I was hoping that we could just spend the rest of the night in Studio A, just the two of us. One last time.

As I walk towards Studio A in search for my beautiful girlfriend, I begin to hear a certain familiar song playing. None other than Flying. Me and Ri's Internationals duet song. Which only meant one person could be in that room.

As I walk in in I see just the that person I had suspected to, Ri. Dancing to our duet song. I can only imagine how she is feeling right now. It was different when I left, I still had connection to the studio, my band rehearsed downstairs, my sister was on the team, oh! Of course, and my girlfriend was running the freaking studio.

For her, we're leaving. We moved in together about six months ago, but we're now moving a bit further away, closer to Riley's school, plus the band and I were planning to leave Lost & Found Studios, and try and make it more on our own, after having had quite a few local shows. We're getting close to an actual concert as well! Our first concert! Which is amazing, for both of us, but also why it feels even more like we're moving on.

Jiley Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें