James' Birthday

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Riley's POV

Today is James' birthday! It's his first one since we got back together, and that's why it has to amazing! Cause, no matter how many times he says he has completely forgiven me I just, I feel so guilty. I don't think that I've done enough, especially given all the things he had done for me when it was the opposite way around. Today was my chance to do something good for him. Make sure he understands just how much I love him.

I usually get up significantly before James anyway, so it would not seem suspicious if he woke and I wasn't there. I had already got most of the decorations for our apartment, but what James doesn't know is I'm also planning a surprise party for him!

I had invited all of his band members, as well as a lot of the former A-Troupe dancers from when we were both in the team, ones that me and James still talk too and get along with, not that there's anyone we actively have anything against, it's just some we're not really close with anymore. Of course also his sisters and a few other family members. The sans ones, well as sane as they could be given they are related to James. His family though, they're definitely something.

Due to our losing of Regionals, we only have small competitions and evidently, we have less rehearsals, so I don't have to go in to work today. Meaning I have allll the time in the world. Well technically I have until James wakes up. So, pretty much forever. The day prior, I had gone with Emily to the party venue, obviously Studio A, so we could begin setting up. She's is there now storing some more last minute planning, she also collected the cake. This was the plan as I still have some decorations that I have to set up in our apartment.

After the amazing effort that James put into my last birthday, I knew that I had a high standard to live up to. Believe me, you never want to have to live up to James. He is the best boyfriend, which sometimes is the problem, as I know I'll never be as good as he is.

I checked the time, 9:10 am, James would lay in all day if I let him, but this will only take a little while longer then I can wake him. I finish by putting up the last happy birthday banner, and then I head into our room to begin the hardest daily challenge.

Waking up my boyfriend.

As I opened the door I saw James lying in our bed, and to my shock, he was already wide awake, and he was just on his phone. Likely he was responding to all of the birthday messages that he had already received from his family and friends.

"Hi," I said from the door frame as I walked towards him.

James looked up and smiled at me, god I love his smile. God I love him!

"Hey Ri."

As I approached James, I sat down on the bed next to him. Then leaned down to kiss him.

"How long have you been up?" I ask.

"Only about ten minutes, you?" he questions back.

"Couple of hours."

"Geez Babe! It's your day off!" James exclaims.

"I know, but it's also, your birthday!!" I say as I kiss James. "Happy Birthday Jay!"

"Thank you Riley!!" He responded "I love you."

"I love you more, and I'm gonna try to give you the best night possible! You deserve it," I tell Jay, hoping I keep my word.

"I'm sure it'll be amazing Ri, cause I'll be with you."

"Sap much!" I say laughing, partly so he'll get that I'm joking, though I'm sure he's already figured that out. I love that we can be at a point on our relationship where we can make jokes like that with each other and know that the other doesn't mean it.

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