Chapter 2: Funeral

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"Rob!" Zack protested, swinging back and forth. "Get me down from here, man!"

"Ok, Ok, relax I can figure this out," Rob walked around Zack inspecting the line.

Deb tensed as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. She grabbed Rob's arm, pulling him into the shadows. Zack, still suspended in the air, held his breath, listening intently.

"What the hell Deb, we need to get him down from there." Rob protested from their hiding spot in the bushes.

"Zack is a vessel with powers, we are just humans. He can take care of himself," she informed him. "Now be quiet so you don't give our position away."

Jessica, accompanied by two other exorcists, emerged from the darkness, her brown eyes locked onto Zack. "Well, if it isn't our favorite troublemaker," she sneered. "What brings you out here, Zack? Looking for your friend Ahmed?"

"Not at all, I was just out for a midnight walk and thought I would pay Gluttony a little visit" Zack retorted, struggling to keep his voice steady as he hung awkwardly.

"You think you're funny," Jessica said, leaning in close, her voice low and menacing, "If Ahmed hurts anyone tonight or any other night, you won't be able to protect him from us."

Zack's heart raced in his chest, he had prayed that Gluttony's curse wouldn't take effect. He couldn't let Jessica know how much her words affected him.

"Well he hasn't broken any of your rules yet," Zack replied coolly. "So why exactly are you out here?"

Jessica glared at him "Just stay out of our way," with one swift motion she cut the wire, sending Zack tumbling to the ground. The exorcists stalked off into the woods to continue their search.

Rob and Deb emerged from their hiding place. Deb helped Zack back to his feet.

"That was too close, I don't think I should keep looking with you guys," Deb explained "If Jessica had seen me with you, she would have cut you and not the rope." Deb looked genuinely scared for Zack.

"You're right we should go back," Zack said putting his arm around her. "The aura trail stops here anyway, we will have to try something else to find Ahmed." Rob nodded, feeling defeated and the trio slowly made their way back to campus.


The following morning, John found himself seated in the Dean of Students' office at the University of Waterloo. Officer Lindsey and Dean Ray questioned him intently about the previous night's events, where he had reappeared after being missing for over two months.

"John, can you tell us anything about what happened to you?" Officer Lindsey asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"Sorry, but I don't remember anything," John lied, avoiding their gazes. In truth, memories of Gluttony haunted his thoughts, but he knew mentioning monsters would most likely lead to him being placed in a mental hospital.

"Alright," Dean Ray sighed, clearly disappointed. "If you do recall anything, please let us know."

"Actually," John hesitated, deciding to divulge one crucial detail, "I do remember one thing. There were others locked up with me. I don't know who they are or where they are now, but they're out there somewhere." He had no idea what shape the others were in, hopefully they would be found alive and well if the police were out there looking for them.

Lindsey's expression hardened with determination as she took down John's statement. She was a compassionate soul, always putting the needs of others first, and the thought of missing people drove her to action.

"Thank you, John," she said quietly. "I promise you, we'll do everything in our power to find them."


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