𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏.

Start from the beginning

"Gosh, I really don't feel like going to the grocery store right now," she grumbled to herself, feeling the laziness kicking in. The thought of a grocery store trip seemed like too much effort for a simple sandwich.

"Door dash it is, I guess!" she says excitedly. She made a promise to herself that she wouldn't eat out anymore, but she wasn't exactly... eating out, right?

This is Jorja math.

She happily skipped over to her bed to pick up her phone and order food. After placing her order, she gently set her phone back on the bed and glanced around her apartment. With a knowing look in her eyes, she rose from the bed and walked over to the couch, crouching down.

"Penelope! Get out from under there! I've told you a million times about that," Jorja exclaims, giving her chunky cat a stern look. Penelope only stared back at her with her big round eyes and hissed.

Letting out a frustrated huff, Jorja stood back up, fully aware of what she needed to do to help Penelope escape from under the sofa. With unsteady hands, she started lifting the heavy couch.

"Penelope! Move it!"

With an unsteady grip on the couch, it started slipping from her hands. Panic set in as she feared dropping it on Penelope. But just as it began to fall, Penelope swiftly darted out from under the couch. Jorja instinctively let go, allowing the couch to slip from her hands.

"Damn it! Now I'm gonna have a bruise on my hands in the morning," she groans loudly, shooting Penelope a frustrated glare as if the cat could understand her exasperation.

The cat only meowed in response.

Jorja lets out a heavy sigh and settles herself onto the couch, opting to unwind while waiting for her DoorDash delivery. With a swift motion, she grabs the remote from the coffee table and switches on 'Hunter X Hunter.'

After about 20 minutes, Jorja's ears perk up as she hears a knock on her door. With a burst of excitement, she jumps up, knowing it must be her DoorDash food delivery. "Don't you dare," she warns her curious cat, who was already inching towards the door. The cat meows in response and obediently returns to its spot on the couch.

With a light smile on her face, Jorja swings open the door, eager to satisfy her hunger. "Hi! How much do I owe you?" she asks the delivery man. However, she couldn't help but notice the weird glances he was giving her.

Momentarily taken aback, Jorja instinctively looks down, feeling a sudden pang of self-consciousness. She quickly hands over the exact amount of money, perhaps a bit extra, not even bothering to ask for her change. Grabbing the food, she retreats back into her apartment in a hurry.

She lets out a shaky breath that she didn't even know she was holding in and goes to sit down at her small table. Unpacking her pasta, she begins to eat while watching TV, a blank expression written across her face.

It doesn't take much for Jorja's mood to be ruined. Sometimes, she likes to play clueless as to why people would look at her oddly, but deep down inside, she knows.

Jorja hated eating when her mind was filled with thoughts. It made her lose her appetite, and she didn't want that to happen right now. She was hungry and she knew she had to eat after not having anything all day.

So that's exactly what she did. She ate as much as she could before throwing her trash out and headed back over to her couch. Her couch was her favorite part of her home. She sometimes even slept there because she found it to be more comfortable than her bed.

Jorja pushes her glasses back up to her face and lies down on the couch, throwing a blanket over herself. Penelope immediately gets up from her spot and sits directly on Jorja's lap.

The 19-year-old girl smiles down at the fluffy cat and starts rubbing her head.

"It's only us"



Jorja's apartment

Jorja's apartment

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