5 - Bachelor

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A year later...

Dressed in a new gown, Tate waited for the car to pick her up. A year before she was supposed to get married. A year before she had had the best sex of her life. Since then she had tried to stay away from Jimmy Sinclair. Some times were easier than others. The downside to her brother, Baxter, being engaged to her friend, Ivy, meant Jimmy was always around. Usually, all it took was a sad look and Tate could slip away without anyone caring. Poor Tate, jilted at the altar.

Tate didn't miss Duncan. He had called her and asked how she was. If he thought she was waiting for him he was wrong. She would rather be alone. Rumors were his relationship was on the rocks again. Maybe it was publicity for the next race. Kasper was leaving soon to compete with Juniper, who he met on the island reality show. The public thought they were a couple, but they hadn't seen each other for months. Kasper had not been linked to any other women, which was part of his contract.

When the car pulled up in front of her building, Macintyre met her at the door. She wondered how he would be in bed. A year was a long time to go without sex. Along with her three siblings and Ivy, she crowded into the black SUV.

Tate smiled at Kasper. "You look handsome. Ready to meet the old lady of your dreams?"

"Not you too. They've been teasing me."

"Not me. I've stood on that stage more than my share. Thankfully, I'm not single." As Baxter kissed Ivy's cheek, Tate's heart deflated. She wanted what they had.

Ivy giggled. "I'm curious about this bachelor auction. Is Jimmy in it every year? He'll raise a lot for charity."

Baxter laughed. "I'm not sure how he avoided it, but it's his first time."

"Maybe I should bid on my ex." Ivy teased Baxter.

"Sweetheart, you haven't made enough to pay for Jimmy."

Tate knew Ivy was joking. She had spent time the past summer jealous of her friend. Even when Ivy told her she and Jimmy were just friends, Tate didn't believe her.

"Jimmy only dated Ivy to make you jealous." Tate felt the need to say it even though everyone knew the story.

As their vehicle pulled up to the venue, Tate took a deep breath. Another evening avoiding Jimmy. She had the money to bid on him, but she wouldn't. He made it clear they were to retreat to their corners. The same corners they had been in since she turned sixteen. Just to prove he meant it, he left her while she was still asleep. She could see him slinking through the hotel hallway with a cake stained shirt. Jimmy Sinclair probably put on his shoes and tie.

Kasper squeezed her hand. "Cheer up, you have me and Doyle as your dates."

Doyle scoffed. "Not my idea of a threesome."

Baxter demanded, "Tell me you're joking."

Doyle looked past him. "Ivy, is he any fun in bed or are you really after his money?"

Kasper got in Doyle's face. "That's not nice."

"Chill, Kasp. I was joking."

Tate doubted he could be as good as Jimmy. The Kanes drew attention as the five of them entered together. Philip had purchased a table, so it was a family affair. Their mother had been more accepting of Ivy, but the siblings conspired so Amelia was two or three seats from their future sister-in-law.

Tate did her part by taking the seat next to her mother. Unfortunately, the empty seat ended up next to her. Just what she needed to remind herself she had been alone since she was jilted the year before.

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