It fell silent for a moment as everything was processed as much as it could. Until Theo's phone rang.

"I want to hear"Lexie sniffled. Theo nodded, placed his finger to his lips and placed his phone on speaker.

"Hey ma, you okay" Theo asked.

"Hey"Her voice came as a shock to them all. Derek felt as if his heart had been clawed , the pain in her voice wasn't like anything he had ever heard before.

"Who let you lose with a phone eh? You alright? " Theo asked softly.

"Sore, really sore. Theo can you please pick me up some clothes..I need to shower and I...I"She began to panic.

"Shh its okay baby, shhh"Ellis soothed. "Darling you need to breathe"Ellie calmed.

"I..I can' hurts" Her eyes were full of tears as she clutched her chest.

"Listen little sis, you are okay. I promise you no one will ever hurt you again. I will burn this planet down to protect you. "Theo clutched the chair as Lexie struggled to hold back sobs.

"I'm sorry"Meredith muttered.

"Don't apoligise. Ever. So you need clothes, a new phone, perfume, girl stuff"Theo asked. His heart leaping when she let out a small giggle. "There she is" .

"Are you with Lexie yet?"Meredith asked. 

"I am, want me to pass you to her?"He asked.

"Mhm"He handed Lexie the phone. She walked away with it as she cried. 

"I mean it Clar. I will burn the fucking planet down before anyone breaks her heart again. She's my little sister. I should have protected her from him."He shook his head as Derek placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We will help the best we can, to protect her and help you get her back" Derek offered a warm smile.

"She giggled though, she isn't gone Theo she just needs time"Clara reminded as Lexie walked in.

"She said she'll see us later and that if we want to we can bring Clara and Derek? I think she just wants a distraction but I have a long list of things to buy with dad's card. He took the phone and said not to use Meredith's card. Mum is going to take her off of the IV later so she can wash. Cristina is going to help her since she can't have a full shower.  She also said don't you dare forget its her birthday" Lexie laughed.

"I'd love to see her, just so she knows she's got the support"Clara smiled. "Derek?"

"Yeah, of course I'll go" He smiled softly.


Lexie and Clara spent hours shopping, picking up everything Meredith needed. Once they had gotten everything and more they took it to Ellis'. They packed all of the new clothes away as well as packed a case with what she asked for. Theo had picked up a new phone and ipad for her. 

Derek had spent a few hours with Sofia, taken her for icecream and explained Meredith was poorly in hospital because of a bad man. He was nervous to see her but also glad she still trusted him enough to see her.

The wash had helped her feel cleaner, she felt as though her skin was free of his prescence although his marks were still on her body, 

She had dressed in loose pyjama bottoms and a vest, Ellis had dried her hair and plaited it for her before re attaching her to the machines and IV's. 

Lexie was right, Meredith wanted a distraction from it all. To feel human again, to feel like her.

She had just had some more morphine when the door opened. Clara, Derek and Theo walked in together. Derek toward the back. Lexie had been here from when she dropped off the case.

"Happy Birthday beautiful"Clara smiled softly. Meredith thanked her as the Shepherd sister wrapped her arms around her.

"Hey, happy birthday. Sofia made this for you"He handed her the handmade get well soon card.

"I miss her, she made my days better"Meredith admitted as Derek sat down on the chair beside Clara.

"How are you? No lies. Everyone in here cares about you." Clara asked clutching Meredith's hand.  

Meredith's eyes fell to the bed as tears formed in her eyes. "I.. I don't know. Everywhere hurts. I feel horrible, i feel disgusting..I feel ashamed of it all" Her hands shook lightly.

"You are the strongest woman I have ever met.  You are none of those words. You have been hurt. You were hurt in ways I can't imagine. But you are still the beautiful, funny, cheeky girl I met three years ago.  You've been there for everyone now It's our turn. We will get you through this.  None of this is your fault, you hear me? None of this is down to you Meredith. "Clara held her hand tightly as she spoke. Meredith let the tears slip from her cheeks. 

"I love you"She croaked as Clara hugged her .

"I love you most" Once she sat down again Meredith let out a deep breath.

"I wasn't expecting it. It had never been that bad before. I came home from Derek's that Sunday and he just went crazy. He said I smelt of you and we must have had sex. He asked why I give it to you and why he has to force it from me. It started with the burning and the belt. Punching as always with the kicking but when he came back Thursday it was like something set him off. He was so mad. I just remember the pain when I woke up in the glass. I remember holding in my cries. I remember hearing Theo's voice in the ambulance. I remember all of it" Lexie kissed her hand.

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for Sofia being sick it wouldn't have happened to you."Derek swallowed hard.

"It would have, he had already beat me when he got in. It was after the first beating he said that. He was trying to excuse his behaviour. Once he said I had slept with Theo" She laughed at the end.

"Gross"Theo cringed as Lexie swatted him.

"I only want to ask one question Mer"Lexie looked into her eyes. Meredith nodded. "How often did he do it"Lexie stammered lightly.

"It depends Lex. Slaps could be every day. He would ra... sexually assault me atleast once a week. Full on beatings weren't often. The belt only happened for the first time last Saturday. Kicks and punches were a few times a week but it all depended on his moods" Lexie let a tear slip. "But I'll be okay, Lex i'll be okay. I am just sore and trying to figure it all out"She squeezed Lexie's hand. 

"Meredith, once you are better if you'd like I would love for you to still come for Sofia, she loves you. "Derek offered a smile. But it was the smile on her face that made all of them smile.

"Thank you so so much" She smiled so widely. 

"Also, Mark and I want to represent your case. We want to be the lawyers who throw him in a cell for the rest of his life" Meredith looked into his eyes.

"Thank you, I mean it thank you. It'll be hard for you too see the pictures and things but I know you and I really trust you"She smiled again. 

"I got you a new phone, its set up with my number and Lexie's, Ma's and dads."Theo handed her the new pink iphone. 

"Here we go, add your numbers"She handed it to Clara as she held her arms out for Theo.

"You are the best big brother. I'll be okay I just need you to help pull me through this. I love you"She kissed his cheek softly as she sat back and closer her eyes letting the sleep take over.

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