chapter 2: the tea party

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It's been 3 weeks since the first night on the server, all the girls were gonna have a tea party to spill the tea on what they think is gonna end up happening between the server’s members and how their relationships will affect the roleplaying aspect of the server. Kathrine and Shelby decided to add Joey to the little party.
“Hey girls, why did you invite me if it's a girls only tea party?” Joey was looking at all the girls that were sitting on the floor confused as to why he was the only guy there. “Well, me and Kathrine were thinking that you would like to join us with some gossip that you can get from being a boy, we have different perspectives on how the others all chat” Shelby explained to him, pouring Joey and herself 2 cups of tea. Gem started chatting with Lizzie and Pearl about some drama going on with Pix and Scott, Joey didn't really listen to them as he was listening to Shelby and Kathrine chatting about fWhip and Jimmy. “Did you hear that fWhip and Jimmy are gonna start a war over fish?” Kathrine started, “Oh, yeah i did, Jimmy is really happy with his cod and fWhip wants salmon to be on top, I'm wondering who Lizzie will side with” Shelby took a sip of her tea after finishing. “Yeah, I think she's gonna side with Jimmy, I overheard that they were gonna make themselves sea-blings for the lore” Kathrine laughed while she was speaking, making Joey and Shelby laugh as well.

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