Nobody wants the wrath of that small, vicious dynamite.

“Correct. The crime lord happily gets the boy and things slow down for a while…..” King stopped for a second, swirling his pen between his fingers, before continuing

”…..then the boy turns eighteen which means he is eligible for marriage as well as those diamonds” King listed another fact and Mickey nodded along, now having a clear understanding of things.

“the diamonds that are worth more than eighty-nine billion as per my research” Charlton added earning a shocked look from Mickey.

That was a lot of money….Damn!

“Now that the boy is with King, is it possible for Wren Christopher to come against me?” King asked with a challenging brow up. He knew nobody could challenge him.

“no way” Mickey muttered loud enough for others to hear.

“That’s right…” King smiled in triumph.

“when he couldn’t come against me for my boy, he turns to look for someone with authority who can help him and who is in the same circle as me…….the circle of mafia.” The crime lord stated and leaned his head back on the chair.

Narrating your thoughts is a tiring job.

Both Charlton and Mickey were now getting close to where the king was leading them. They had expectant expressions on their faces as they listened to what the king was saying.

The mafia boss was so calm and his demeanour was relaxed while he exposed the dirty secrets of Wren Christopher regarding his baby boy and his selfish history.

“then he comes across an underboss. A man who is involved in the mafia business more than the mafia boss.” King continued as he nipped at the end of the pen with his teeth.

“the man promises to help Wren in order to get the boy from my grasp but in return for some favours…….the favours of leading the rebel groups and shooting rats in between my men.” By now, King had a serious expression on his face. He was more invested than before since the ending was close.

“Wanna guess who that man is?” King asked looking at both Mickey and Charlton.

“Kangsu!” they replied together in a heartbeat and the voice of their answer boomed in the quiet office.

King flinched and then glared at them both for a loud shout.

He was tired from all day activities and wanted to end his night in peace and so a single ‘tick’ was getting on his nerves.

Mickey looked at King sheepishly while Charlton cleared his throat to divert his attention.

“so in conclusion, it is Wren Christopher aka Mr Chris who is after my baby boy and those diamonds” King sighed as he picked a glass from his side table and poured himself a pink bubbly alcohol.

“but Mr Chris didn’t know about the diamonds as far as I know” Mickey pointed out and King shook his head.

“There are many years to know about these diamonds Mickey. But that man knew it all along since it was the reason he adopted my baby in the first place. Otherwise, why would he adopt a child when he already had two of his own?” King questioned and Mickey nodded his head in understanding but then again he perked up with another query.

“then why was he so adamant about the marriage? He could have raised them like siblings but he didn’t do that instead he always told Mago that he was to marry Jana. He could have forced Mago to give him the diamonds” Mickey asked.

“it could be because one, my baby is beautiful and second, he wouldn’t even spare a penny from his pocket let alone billions to that Chris guy” King answered.

King Mafia and MagoWhere stories live. Discover now