A sense of relief washed over her as the proud Shekhawat mansion came into view. Her instant relaxed demeanor did not go unnoticed by him, and a wave of restlessness washed over him. He was not aware if she would ever be ready to come back to him.

As soon as the car entered the Shekhawat mansion and Viraj stepped down, he was surprised to see that he was immediately surrounded by the security of the mansion. Avantika gasped loudly and she was immediately pulled behind him. The fact that last time when Viraj and Mikhail had visited the mansion and had threatened Radhika and Avantika had made the security on alert and Viraj was on the gunpoint of the head of the security of Shekhawat mansion.

"Leave the Princess". Bhoora roared.

Viraj raised his hand in surrender. "I need to see Karan. I mean no harm to the Princess."

Bhoora looked at him for a moment as if not believing him and walked ahead near Avantika.

"Bhoora!" She exclaimed. "Clear the way for him."

He looked at her for a moment and then back at Viraj who was giving him calculative looks.

"I only take orders from the twins." He replied curtly. Looking back at the head of security, who still had the gun pointed at Viraj, he added, "hold on until I get the Prince down."

He walked away leisurely.

Karan was trying to put little Mukta to sleep, who was burning with fever and was giving him a hard time. She missed her parents. He was shocked to know that Jaiswal Prince was held at gunpoint at the entrance of the mansion. He ignored his shocked wife and rushed downstairs with the child in his arms, followed by visibly pregnant Meera.

"Avantika!" He whispered and was surprised to no end on seeing his sister standing behind Viraj.

"Put the guns down." He ordered and the security immediately backed away, but was on high alert.

Avantika threw herself in his arms and Karan held her close and let her feel that she was safe. A weird sensation enveloped Viraj that he could not offer her same sense of comfort and safety. Karan raised his eyes to look at him. Their recent encounter was not very good and he was still apprehensive about everything.

"Come in." He said out of courtesy.

"Will your security tolerate me in your mansion?" Viraj asked playfully, to lighten the situation.

Though Karan knew he did not meant the comment to be playful, he could not bring himself to smile at that. Viraj could feel the tension and chose to walk in without anymore words.

While the men chose to settle in the living room, Avantika did not know what to do. She sat down when Karan pulled her to sit him. He gently cradled now sleeping Mukta in his arms. Both Viraj and Avantika could see how tenderly he handled the child. They were sure, he loved kids, he was just stressed out.

"To what do we owe your sudden presence?" Karan asked looking at Viraj.

Viraj held his gaze for a moment and then looked at his wife.

"Your sister preferred your home on her own. She find herself safer at Shekhawat Mansion than the Jaiswal Mansion."

Avantika looked at him with a small gasp and Karan took a moment to look between the two. He finally smiled.

"Its good to see you after so long. Go and meet Badi Maa. She really missed you." He said looking at Avantika.

She nodded meekly and walked away with a glance towards Viraj.

"Is everything alright between you two?" Karan asked when she was out of earshot. He was ready to take her responsibility, if she decided to stay away from the Jaiswals - No questions asked.

Viraj nodded with a deep sigh.

"Everything is really complicated. She has trust issues, with my family. I understand where she comes from." Viraj spoke with his head hung low.

Karan nodded. It was not that simple.

"What has she decided? I mean.... She showed up today, unannounced?"

"I really don't know. All I know is, she is not fine coming back to the mansion. That's why I brought her here. All these days we were at my farmhouse. I hope she has a change of heart."

Karan rubbed his forehead in defeat.

"Give her some time, Viraj. She is too young. And probably scared too. I will talk to her." He tried to assure.

"No, Karan. I will talk to her myself. It's my cross to bear. I understand that she needs time. And I will give her all the time she needs. Till then... take care of her. I will take her back when she will trust me completely. I will wait for that day."

Karan was filled with gratitude. After Samar, Avantika too, was in good hands.


Another chapter up

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