Chapter 18: Bedlam

Start from the beginning

Somebody sat in the seat next to her, and she turned to see Deacon. Dressed in a plain gray t-shirt and faded jeans, he appeared as if he had picked the least wrinkled clothing off of the floor. And here I spent almost an hour getting ready. I should've just put on a trash bag or something.

He looked her up and down before motioning to the bartender. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Got bored." She looked away from him and took a sip of her drink. He ordered a beer and took a large sip.

"You got bored, and I was your first thought?" He teased.

She rolled her eyes and bit back a retort. Be nice. You're supposed to be nice. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"Did you get bored of your guy friend already? What did you say his name was?"

"I didn't." She stared down at her drink, the warped reflection in the amber liquid staring back at her. "I haven't seen him in a few days."

"Oh? Interesting."

Ana turned to him and studied his face, but could not discern what he meant by interesting. Was he expecting another answer? It doesn't matter. I need to change the subject before he gets jealous again.

"You left work early for emergency?" She asked.

"False alarm. My mom thought she was having a heart attack." He murmured before taking a sip of his drink.

Bad liar. Can't tell a lie to save your life. Ana drank the rest of 'her' drink and set it down on the wooden surface.

"You know," He set his beer down and leaned into her, his breath on her neck. "Your friend was staring at us while we were talking. He didn't look very happy about me."

"This again?" She pretended to not feel disgusted with how close he was to her. "I don't want to talk about him. I thought this night was just for us."

He snaked an arm around her waist and she tried her best to not flinch away. He leaned in closer and pressed his lips to her neck. "You're right. Just us. So why don't we just go back to my place and relax?"

She smiled, but this time it was genuine. So close to those letters. I'm almost there.

She payed her tab and followed him outside, holding hands. It was night, and there was barely any traffic on the roads. The stormy clouds that had hung over them for the past few days were now gone, and the night sky was a naked and dark expanse of nothingness.

Deacon led her to his truck and unlocked the doors. She opened the passenger door and set her purse on the floor.

"Need help?" Deacon offered a hand for her.

She gave him an incredulous look. "Since when have I needed your help?"

"Just trying to be a gentleman..."

She pulled herself into the truck and closed the door. Deacon walked to the driver side but stopped halfway and turned his head. A person called his name and now approached him. They both appeared friendly toward one another, and Ana assumed they were friends.

She looked down at the glove box. Would it be possible he still had them in there? She opened the glove box The letters were gone. Just a screwdriver, a pen, and some loose receipts. Damn it.

She shut the glove box just as Deacon finished talking to the person. Ana attempted to act casual as he opened the door and pulled himself into the truck. "Sorry, an old friend."

"You have friends? Surprising." She commented.

"Funny." He looked at her as he started the truck, glancing at her cleavage briefly before pulling on his seat belt. Ana pulled the sides of her unbuttoned shirt together and looked away. I can do this. I can still do this.

Our Demonic Hearts - The Craven Pact Book 1Where stories live. Discover now