Why do they? He is so annoying!

My gaze falls upon his shoe and an idea pops into my head.

I tip toe to him, saving myself from everybody's eyes. I crouch beside the settee, hiding behind it. I stretch out my arms, keeping an eye on him and tie his shoelaces with one another.

Getting done with my task, I get up. I go to face him and take the phone from his hand as he stands unaware, not even thinking that a threat can come from any direction, especially when he is in my territory.

He frowns, stepping ahead to get the phone back but uh-huh! How can he?

He stumbles upon the floor, hitting his knees. It catches everybody's attention and in return, he is insulted as we all laugh.

I can sleep peacefully tonight.

I crouch in front of him as he sits upright. I give him his phone and he snatches it, putting it inside the pocket of his jeans.

"Lovely, isn't it?" I cup my face, perching my elbows on my knees.

He scoffs, starting to untie his shoelaces. "You'll be rewarded for this," he mutters, glaring at me.

"You'll be rewarded for this," I mimic, rolling my eyes. I get up and walk away, excited to open my gifts. My Dad has gifted me ballet shoes and a crown and the box I opened by Blondie scares the shit out of me.

As I opened it, a joker came out and a horrible sound of dead people's laughter.

Everybody laughs but he doesn't, still giving me that butcher-type look. Keep looking, you won't even find any girl more beautiful than me. How lucky this Blondie is!

I scrunch my nose, opening other boxes. I have not even expected anything good from him.

After the celebration is over, I walk into my room and on my bed, I find another gift box. It is a small black box, and a red silky bow sits on it.

My lips stretch into a wide grin and I rush to it, kicking the door shut behind me. I put down my tiara on the bed and remove my shoes, dropping them beside my bed. I quickly open the box and there inside, I find a very pretty metal headband with blue stones inlaid in it.

"Aww," I almost whispered, taking it out. "How beautiful!" After my Dad's gift.

I jump out of the bed and stand in front of the mirror. I wear the headband and compliment myself. How beautiful I look!


I huff, plopping upon the bench with a tired sigh. It is just the beginning of the day and I am being dramatic, I know. Not my fault. Dad said he won't be able to pick me up today because he needs to leave for work. And if about others, I have no expectations from them. I wish Mama knew driving.

Anyway, I am a big girl now. I can go back home alone. Just pray for me that it does not rain this afternoon or I will be drenched by the time I reach home because I don't have any umbrella with me.

Bless that Blondie because that stupid guy just broke my rose umbrella yesterday. But can Mikayla sit silent after this exploitation? No way! I broke his mobile screen in return — simple.

After that, he grabbed my notebook to tear it in pieces but truly blessed be his lovely mother who saved me from his wrath yesterday.

Thinking about Blondie Dawood, I am still taking deep breaths, staring at nothing particular and ignoring the boys around me hovering and greeting me.

He enters the classroom and the sound of whispers start heightening at his arrival. Who's whispering, you wonder? It's the blind girls of this school who say—

Love Me, MikaylaWhere stories live. Discover now