I snorted aloud, holding back the comment. I walked to the car and leaned my head back listening to the conversation that was going on inside the house. I relaxed my shoulders but Alice's next words stopped everything.

After a while, Alice rushed out to the car and sat next to me. It wasn't long before Bella followed and an angry Jacob.

Jacob poked his head in through the driver's window and begged Bella to stay. "Please Bella. I'm begging." Jacob whined and Bella stared at him. "Jake, I have to.."
"You don't, You could stay here with me." Jacob said and Alice started the engine.

"Please Bella."

"I'm sorry Jacob." Bella said and nodded to Alice who closed the window and finally hit the gas pedal, speeding towards the airport.

After finally arriving at the airport and boarding the plane. I sat in the aisle seat and Alice in the middle. Bella was nervous and was biting her nails and swinging her leg back and forth. "Can you stop it?" I said annoyed and Alice glared at me.

"Adeline." She said and I sighed. "No, without her we wouldn't be here." I cleared my mouth and Alice turned to look ahead.

"Rosalie was right from the start bringing a human into the family is painful and I swear if something happens to my brother..." I started to say but Alice cut me off. "Please? Let's focus on this plane ride now." Alice put a hand on my leg and I looked Bella hard in the eyes.

After a couple of hours Bella fell asleep and I felt Alice's eyes on me after opening them I turned to look at her. "His thoughts and actions change all the time, I didn't want to bring her but she's the only one Edward doesn't see coming." Alice explained and I nodded.


Arriving in Volterra, Alice disappeared and soon returned with a yellow Porsche and Bella raised an eyebrow. "Did you stole it?" She asked and I looked around. "Get in before we're late."

The scenery quickly changed to cobblestone streets as Alice sped up towards the stone buildings and castle. She gasped and Bella and I both turned to look at her. "No, no, he is going to reveal himself to the people in the sun." Alice said and Bella's eyes watered.

"How long do we have?" I asked, clenching my hand into a fist.

"He's waiting until the noon, when the sun will be at highest." Alice answered, pressing the gas pedal to the bottom. I slowly turned my eyes towards my watch that I was wearing, it's almost noon. I looked up and narrowed my eyes at Bella.

Red robes began to appear everywhere and Alice stopped the car and turned to Bella, explaining to hurry up and we meet her later. "He'll be under the clock tower!"

Soon I watched Bella leave and Alice parked the car.

"She made it, we have to hurry." Alice said and I put on my sunglasses and pulled on my gloves. Alice took two scarves and we put them on.

I hopped out of the car speeding following Alice towards the big doors of the castle, she broke the lock and we interrupted a heated conversation between Edward and two other vampires. They have red eyes and dark suits. Volturi guards.

"Edward I'm gonna kill you myself when we get out of here." I spoke and he avoided eye contact looking down.

"Enough." There was a voice behind two volturi guards and a small blonde haired girl walked towards us.

"Aro sent to see what's taking you so long." She spoke and Edward instructed Bella to walk. We walked along the corridor towards the elevator. I positioned myself between two guards, one of them was tall and big like Emmet, and the other was also tall but skinny. The blonde one turned his eyes to me and winked with a smirk on his face.

I quickly turned my head forward and looked at the opening elevator doors. We stepped out and followed the blonde girl towards the big doors which she opened. I looked at a large room with wonderful statues and works of art.

"Alice and Adeline..." Edward started but was interrupted by the speech.

"Sister, they send you out for one and you come back three and a half."

Came a soft and masculine voice, I slowly turned my eyes towards the low voice and soon met the striking red eyes. He was wearing the same clothes as the other guards, the letter V accentuating his outfit.

He had dark brown hair with a few bangs falling over his eyes. He was about eighteen years old in body age.

"I know Alec." Jane answered.

"Nice work." He continued and turned his eyes at me. Oh.

His mouth opened slightly and he froze as did I. I felt my dead heart beating again, a warm feeling flowed through my cold body that I haven't felt in forever. He must have felt the same because as soon as our eyes locked on his expression softened, but turned back to expressionless.

"Welcome back Edward." He said turning his eyes away from me.

"You seem in a better mood." Edward clenched his jaw and Bella stared at him questioningly.

Alec chuckled and looked at Bella. "And this is the cause of all the trouble?" He asked, skeptical. "Dibs." Felix called casually from behind us. Edward turned to glaring the big man and I heard Demetri chuckle.

"Aro will be so pleased to see you again." Alec spoke and Jane started walking towards the doors him following.

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